Another 2 Weeks and DD Still Don't Pull down Her Underwear!

Updated on November 02, 2012
Y.C. asks from Orlando, FL
6 answers

My daughter has being potty trained now for a while and accidents free, BUT she still doesn't or even want to pull her underwear down. Of course I keep telling her and I even show it.
Since I am at home with her all the time, most of the times I can see when she runs to the potty but most of the times when I can get to her it is to late or she would refuse to get up so I can help her, is like she actually wants to pee on her panties.
I have let her go without anything (naked) but that just back fired because then she never wanted to wear any clothes and as soon as I put panties again she would still do it.

Is being almost a moth since I keep telling her: Not in your underwear, wait, lets put it down, look how momy does it (yes, I thought it would help but she just happy about that, lol).
I thought the hard part was teaching them to go to the potty but that was a piece of cake in comparetion of making her put her underwear down, I have the feeling all I can do is keep telling her and showing her but I just wonder if any of you went throw the same?

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answers from Minneapolis on

Just have her change her own wet underwear, have her bring the wet ones to the laundry area herself, have her go and get and put on her own dry ones before she can resume whatever activity she was doing. Don't run around and try to do it for her, and don't make it easier by running around and cleaning up after her while she sits and waits for you to do all the running around for her. Tell her that when she is ready to pull down her underwear, she will be able to get back to her fun as fast as everyone else who uses the toilet. Let her decide on her own when she is tired of this chore. Good luck!

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answers from Albany on

Well, none of my kids had THIS particular problem, but between the three of them had pretty much every OTHER imaginable potty training impediments!

So maybe it's time for bribes, ahem, I mean positive reinforcement?! Maybe a gummy bear or what ever her favorite treat is everytime she does it herself?
I know a lot of moms think it's a bad idea, food (especially candy) as a reward...

Otherwise, she WILL eventually get it you know, don't worry too much!


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answers from Los Angeles on

Maybe every time she doesn't pull them down and pees on her underwear, take something away. Not anything big, but maybe something fun you guys do sometimes, take that away and just say 'well if you are going to pee on your undies, we can't do that anymore.' Don't get mad, just be serious. My friend had to do this with her two year old, She took away her princess dresses she could play dress-up in sometimes and was not allowed to dress up until she stopped peeing her pants. It worked!

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answers from Eugene on

I don't have any suggestions...but I will are so weird! It's always frustrating to deal with your kid's "issues" but it's nice to know that there are other parents out there with their own...and trust me...we got our own!

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answers from Houston on

Naked shouldn't at all be. She must always have on her panties. She'll just need to pee in her panties, until she tries to pull the bottom and back of her panties to one side, that she'll less seriously pee in her panties. That same was with me. I seriously peed in my briefs, until I tried to open the front of my briefs, which I less seriously peed in my briefs. I am of Autism and Profound Mental Retardation. The same must go with her.



answers from New York on

I had the same problem with my son. I think I even posted it in a question. He just refused to pull down his pants and would just stand there waiting but eventually we got him to do it. Just keep insisting and show her how. Put your hands over her hands and pull down. Eventually she'll do it. I know it is frustrating!

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