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Results 31-40 from 78 articles

Mom Relationships

K.W. asks from Orlando

A question that has been weighing on me lately: After the age of 30, is it natural not to have any new (or "close") real friends -- 1 or 2 would do:)? How long sh...


Looking for More Things to Do with Other Kids and Other Mommies

L. asks from Orlando

Hello! I need some ideas on what more I can do with my girls where I can meet some homeschooling moms, (or moms considering it) or just people with similar interests....


FILTH Of Neighbors -- Confirmed!

N.H. asks from Harrisburg

OK--I posted before about the conditions of a neighbors house and I have now seen for myself the conditions. There is literally not a 2x2 inch area of carpet clear i...


Homeowners Insurance for Florida

Y.G. asks from Miami

We have to get new homeowners insurance. What company do you recommend in Florida? I need to start getting quotes. TIA


Vacation at the Beach

O. asks from Dallas

Can someone please give advice on the good place to stay in Florida. We have 2 year-old child and would not like to travel far from the airport, so it should be withi...


Looking for Something to Do with 4 Year Old and 1 Year Old

K.C. asks from Miami

Hi, I live in Plantation Florida. I'm a stay at home mom with limited funds (who isn't?) and need some sort of entertainment for my kids during the day. I have a rid...


Having a Hard Time Finding a Good Preschool. (E.Cobb 30062)

K.L. asks from Atlanta

I'll be honest. I want to send my boys to the BEST preschool there is but we probably couldn't afford it. My hubby is a school teacher (Dickerson M.S.) supporting a...


Oklahoma, Here We Come!

J.B. asks from Jacksonville

Hello ladies! I need some assistance for an upcoming move to Tulsa, OK. After more than 20 years in Florida, we are moving as soon as school is over the first week o...


Scared to Death!

M.C. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies. My son and I will be joining his father in the Dallas (Plano/Carrollton) in a month or so. My worry right now is moving across four states where there...

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