christmas hamper

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Christmas with Out of State Grands

A.B. asks from Naples

How do you handle Christmas when out of state grandparents want to be involved? My ideal would be to have them over or vice versa AFTER DH, DD and I have had our own ...


When You Can't/don't Want to Get Your Kid the ONLY Thing He Wants for Christmas

S.A. asks from Chicago

My 4 yr old son is going to ask Santa for a Nintendo 3DS. It's pretty much the only thing he's said he wants for Christmas. The problem is, he's not going to get it...


Christmas Scavenger Hunt

R.S. asks from Columbus

Previously I'd asked for what you ladies thought about giving a 12 year old cash. I've found out he wanted a XBox 360. I purchased the XBox, but now looking for fun s...


Black Hole of Socks?!?!?!

M.L. asks from Los Angeles

For some odd reason socks go missing at my house. We have a dirty clothes hamper in each room and I go thru it weekly to do laundry but for some odd reason we end up ...


Picking up After Herself

L.H. asks from St. Louis

My 7 year old daughter just cannot grasp the concept of picking up after herself. It seems like everyday I have to get on her to clean her ENTIRE room, yet she just d...


Baby Allergies

K.K. asks from Denver

Hi all, I sat down the other day and wrote the longest letter to you, but at the end I saw my own answer and just deleted the whole thing. But here I am again confu...


Take Time to Smell the Poinsettas

T.K. asks from Dallas

I am surrounded by scrooges! This is supposed to be fun. Everyone around me seems to be stressed out over Christmas. I asked one person why aren't they enjoying it...


In-laws Overstaying Their Welcome?!

K.C. asks from Columbus

I feel torn. My husbands family lives in Texas and is always coming to stay with us for a full week during the Christmas holiday. I am thankful that we do not have ...


Piggy Back on Cleaning Fairies...

B.B. asks from Dallas

So, somebody asked the other day about if we seen the cleaning fairies.. I have never seen or even knew they existed... BUT.. Last night, I had about 2 loads of lau...

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Answer Highlights

  • tell him now hes not getting in 2 answers "Tell him NOW he's not getting it. That's life."
  • pile of single socks in 2 answers "I have a rotating pile of single socks that eventually find a mate."
  • use paper plates in 2 answers "For example, use paper plates and plastic silverware?"
  • all matching socks in 2 answers "I finally did what another poster did - bought all matching socks for my kids so it ..."
  • new years eve in 3 answers "Last year we did it on New Years eve night, after the kids were asleep, and it was ..."