black spot on baby s tongue

Related Questions & Answers

Results 1-10 from 30 articles

Help! Son Has Black Spot on His Tongue!

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello ladies. I am hoping one of you can help me. My son has a black spot on the right side of his tongue. I can not wipe it off. He has also been making this really ...


Mandatory Quiet Time?

S.H. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I am struggling with how to best discipline my 4-year old. He has become quite mouthy and does not listen to me when I ask him to stop doing things and if he does...


Nanny Drove the Kids with No Car Seat!

T.P. asks from San Francisco

My 6 year-old daughter just told me the nanny drove her and her 3 year-old brother to school with no car seats in her own car. I provide the nanny my car and car sea...


Has Anyone Experienced the Papoose Board? Torture or Effective Restraint?

S.S. asks from Milwaukee

It was discovered at her last dental appointment that my three year old has tooth decay. She has some pretty obvious spots on her molars and a little between her tee...


Morning Sickness

S.B. asks from Corvallis

My daughter is pregnant with her first baby and she is having a terrible time with morning sickness..the doctor gave her some medication but its not working...any sug...


I Have a Question About Strangers Touching and Making Coments About My Son.

J.D. asks from Dallas

OK almost every place we go at least one stranger decides its ok to start touching my son. I know his a baby and cute and all but what's the deal? They don't even ask...


At a Loss and Need Advice!!

K.O. asks from Minneapolis

I'm at a loss with my DS who's 8 1/2 months old and I'll try to make this brief yet descriptive. When he was about 4 months old he started to have signs of eczema - w...


Feeling like the Worst Mom Ever

C.A. asks from New York

We have been having issues with my 3 1/2 yr old daughter for quite some time now. Her behavior is out of control. She doesnt listen, she curses like a sailor and she ...


Do You Have Tattoos??

E.B. asks from Seattle

I am you have tattoos? If so how many? do your kids ask about them? Piercings too. I have 3 facial piercings and I think it is funny, the first t...


When Was Your Last Proud Moment?

R.J. asks from Salt Lake City

Today my 8 year old who has almost paralyzing stage fright stood up in his grandparents program and said his lines 4 times without withering down or crying or panicki...

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Answer Highlights

  • fleur de lis in 2 answers "I have one. A fleur de lis on my right breast."
  • restrained on a papoose board in 2 answers "... route with my girls because I was a child that was restrained on a papoose board ..."
  • left shoulder blade in 3 answers "I got a fairy on my left shoulder blade."
  • motion sickness bands in 2 answers "... ginger (sometimes ginger snaps or ginger soda are best), motion sickness bands ..."
  • use the papoose board in 3 answers "I would agree with those who said not to use the papoose board."