Wedding Advice - Minneapolis,MN

Updated on August 13, 2006
A. asks from Minneapolis, MN
8 answers

I am looking for somewhere to have a wedding outside that is reasonable. I would like it to be in the meto area. Any suggestions?

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answers from Minneapolis on

You might consider Pioneer Park in Stillwater. It's a very pretty local park with a view of the St Croix River, and it might actually be free. Congratulations, and good luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

There is a BEAUTIFUL area right next to the Como Zoo and Conservatory! There are beautiful flowers, gardens, and even a big pond. Lots of trees and you can take pictures at all the flower gardens around the wedding area or in the Conservatory!! it is really beautiful. I have seen many weddings there (while we were at the zoo) and I had wished someone I knew was getting married there, it looks so beautiful. I hope this helped and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Minneapolis on

I attended a wedding at the rose garden at Lake Harriet and it is a pretty place.



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi A.,

Depending on the number of guests your are having... The Sculpture Gardens rents outdoor place for wedding. I believe the cost is very reasonable for an outdoor ceremony.



answers from Minneapolis on

Did you know that you can have a wedding at the renaissance festival in Shakopee? Don't know if your into that kinda thing, but I didn't know that they did wedding.



answers from Minneapolis on

I second Nicole's advice on Como Park in Roseville. Countless wedding pictures have been taken at "Gates Ajar" and the grounds are just lovely. I don't know the cost; however, I'm sure it is reasonable as it is a public park.



answers from Minneapolis on

Friends of mine recently got married at French Regional Park Reserve in Plymouth. It was beautiful, and right next to a picnic pavilion which would have served us well had it rained. But it didn't.

Other friends had a wedding reception at a pavilion at a public park in Eagan - Thomas Lake, I think. That was very nice. It had a huge pavilion with a smaller pavion off to the side, where the wedding couple and officient could stand.

Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

Scherer Flower garden in Eagan is beautiful. There are some restrictions but its very pretty.
They usually only do wedding from late May to August
No alcohol
its a donation, no certain fees. Its a family that started the gardens in memory of a family member. To get there
From the south
35E North to Cliff Road, go right, you will go about a mile or so and past Bonfire (a restaraunt on the right), just a little past that you can turn left to make a u-turn, do this and you will the enterance for the gardens on the right, this place is down in a little valley so it is hard to see from the road. Make sure to give them a call to see what dates they actually do weddings as I am not certain.
Good luck

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