Three Year Old Biting Fingernails

Updated on May 14, 2010
L.G. asks from San Diego, CA
6 answers

How do I stop my oldest (3 y/o) daughter from biting her nails? Background... Daddy bites his nails. Drives me nuts. Before kids, I begged (maybe nagged?!?) him to stop and bought nail clippers for every room in the house. He stopped for awhile and started back up again after our girls were born...maybe a stress thing???. I gave up on that battle and stopped talking to him about it. Our oldest daughter was a pacifier queen. Sucked on one, fiddled with another, rolling it around her fingers. Slowly weaned her down to just having them in bed around 2 years. Talked about giving it up and slowly she just lost interest in it a few months back. Then they magically dissappeared and it was OK. She forgot about them. No traumatic issue around it, it just ceased to be. Now she sees her younger sister (18mos) chewing on her hands/fingers because she is teething, she sees her Daddy chomping away idly at his fingernails and I think she may be reverting back to some kind of oral gratification thing. Or just imitating her surroundings? What to do?? I tell her to "Please don't chew on your nails" or "Please take your fingers out of your mouth" so many times a day. She is in the "WHY" phase and I've explained to her that it is dirty, she'll get sick, she will get sores on her fingers or mouth, etc... HELP!

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answers from Seattle on

My girls were a little older but the only thing that worked for us is Gum. I nagged and nagged and gum was the only thing that kept their hands out of their mouth and from chewing. My daughter started chewing on her thumb after the binki was gone. I nagged her about that and so she started to chew on her hair. I nagged her about that so she started to chew on her shirts and other random things. I finally gave in a let her chew on gum.

Good Luck



answers from Houston on

THIS will make you feel husband is a nail biter. Like yours, he stopped, for a while. My DD is three......hmmm? do I say this?....She bites her TOENAILS!!!!! That has GOT to be the MOST disgusting thing I have EVER witnessed!!!! Then, one fatefull day, my husband said it...."I used to bite my toenails as a kid".....WHAT!?! Seriously!?! I had to laugh!!! They are two peas in a pod!!!
So, just when you think fingernails are gross, just think of me.....The Mom who gave birth to a TOENAIL biter!!!!! YUCK!!!! Ahhh, man!!...thats gnarly!!!

P.S. I figure it will stop when she is not limber enough to get her feet to her mouth anymore!!! (gag!!)



answers from Dallas on

There is a product out there that you can paint on their nails and it makes them taste bitter, if they taste bad, why would you bite them? I don't know whats in it, and I don't know if shes too young for it, you will have to read the package. I saw it at CVS, by the nail polish and nail grooming items. Check there first. Good luck!!



answers from Portland on

Some kids just need lots of sensation to self-soothe, to deal with boredom or anxiety or anger or fear, to compensate for lack of activity, for all sorts of reasons and non-reasons. For most of us it's a sensory integration issue – there is a real, though indefinable, need for some stimulus. Nail or cuticle biting is one of the more common ways people meet that need.

I bit my nails from early childhood through my senior year in high school, and for several of those years, I struggled to overcome the habit myself. I even used my allowance to buy my own nasty stuff to put on my nails. It is a very compelling habit.

I finally succeeded through a combined approach: I kept noticing when I was doing it and why, if there seemed to be a reason, so I could reduce those situations as much as possible. I carried a file with me to smooth my nails, since any tiny rough spot could trigger a relentless need that I could actually FEEL in my teeth. I nibbled hair, chewed erasers, nipped at anything within reach. I also wore a pendant that felt good to touch, or kept a smooth stone in my pocket, or substituted other habits like twirling my hair, stroking clothing textures my fingers liked, and even folding a piece of scratch paper and gouging fingernail dents all the way around. I still like that one, and I have to have fingernails to do it.

I hope you won't nag your daughter (or hubby) about the habit. Nagging might only increase the need to chew. It's not terribly hiegenic, but most nail-biters don't die of terrible diseases. Let her know you hope she'll stop biting because she will really want to have pretty fingernails some day soon. (But please don't put toxic nail-polish on her nails – you can use a buffer to keep them shiny and lovely.) Ask her why she wants to bite them, and why she might want to stop biting them. Ask her if you can help her find other things that would feel even better. Let her be part of the solution.



answers from Chicago on

My 18 mo. old is biting her nails! She had her fingers in her mouth once & my MIL, whom I love dearly, asked her if she was biting her nails. I think that gave her the idea. I don't need to clip them b/c she bites them. She even bit so low on one there is a little dried blood. I heard through a friend you're not supposed to use the bitter tasting stuff on them b/c if the child doesn't care & does it anyway, they ingest too much & it's not healthy. My daughter is so much younger than yours so our approaches would be different. I try to ignore it, or just take her finger out of her mouth w/out saying anything. Any attention I give it at this age will make it worse. I just hope she gets tired of it, or honestly, bites her finger so it hurts & she stops. Sorry, this is not advice, just know there are others like you out there too, w/ even younger kids doing it!



answers from Los Angeles on

Use Femite on the finger of your child. it is a cosmetic product and not injurious, this can also be used if your child does not stop breast feeding (use the femite on the nipple). it has bitter taste which cannot be removed evene after washing with the soap for 3 to 4 times

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