Thanksgiving - Richmond,IN

Updated on November 12, 2010
D.K. asks from Richmond, IN
6 answers

Hello mamas.

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving? What are some family traditions you do for Thanksgiving? I would like to have some ideas on how to celebrate and teach my son about Thanksgiving. My son is 3 years old and already has a very good memory. My husband is Japanese, and we currently live in Japan. Since living in Japan, I haven't done anything regular to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. (Which comes to a grand total of 14 years now.) Turkey isn't easily available here; Even if I could get one, it wouldn't fit in our oven. My son loves books. Does anyone know a good picture book on Thanksgiving? Since my son is both American and Japanese, I think that he should have some idea of what Thanksgiving is. Thanks in advance.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

my mom did a FABULOUS thanksgiving craft/treat for my daughter and step daughter's. all it takes is 2 oreo's, a few candy corn, 2 small recess tubs, and the glue like icing and 2 small milk duds to make a turkey! just take 1 of the oreo's and put the icing in the middle and lay it flat, take the icing and put it around the 2nd oreo (on the creme part), then the candy corn for the feather's , then take both recess tubs and "glue them" with the icing to either side of the oreo that you put the candy corn on, then one side make 2 dots for the eyes, and put the milk duds on, and put the 2nd oreo on top of the first on standing up....will try to find a picture if you're kids had a blast with them.



answers from St. Louis on

check out Amazon for good Thanksgiving childrens books. Currently in my stash, I have several fun ones: The Night B4 Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing. Over the River & Thru the Woods....put out by Scholastic printing. I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie Alison also a very fun book! During this season, I also use a Clifford the Big Red Dog book about manners.....!

& as for food, what about a turkey breast & some legs? There are many companies here in America specializing in shipping foods such as this! You could also ask family to organize a food shipment for you....& don't forget the sweet potatoes!



answers from Austin on

We had some cousins who lived in Europe and he'd always make a traditional American Thanksgiving meal and invite friends to experience it.
Make what you'd consider feasting foods as part of the dinner, even if you don't have any of the traditional foods. But you will see the following on many tables in the U.S.: fresh pumpkin pies and turkey (can often find just the breast) dressing (stuffing), mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes (yams), fresh rolls, green beans.

We love to take butter, brown sugar, apples and sliced steamed sweet potatoes and layer them in a buttered dish and bake them until they are carmelized and the apples are tender. YUM!

I just checked out (from the library) The Story of Thanksgiving by Robert Merrill Bartlett, illustrated by Sally Wern Comport and it was a pretty good description of how people came to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Also: Young Squanto: the First Thanksgiving by Andrew Woods
and The First Thanksgiving, by Linda Hayward are good.

I have a couple more titles and will update when I come across them. Enjoy!



answers from Dayton on

Hi- we lived in Japan for a year, and celebrated Thanksgiving. We were actually able to find a small turkey- about 10 pounds and it fit in our small oven! You could also try a whole chicken, which would be easier to find. I did limited sides because I only had two burners. I think it's a great idea to make a small party out of it. I bet it would be well received- you could even challenge your friends to bring an "American" side. I also like making pumpkin pie together (I found canned pumpkin the same place I found my turkey)- starting a tradition each year with your son would be a great way to start.



answers from Orlando on

every year my daughter has helped make the pumpkin pies. last year was the 1st year she did it mostly on her own (with my help) she is 8 now and this year i think she will be able to do it by herself with only me checking !


answers from Kalamazoo on

And make paper hand turkeys!

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