Stopping the Birth Control Pill

Updated on August 11, 2012
S.D. asks from Peoria, AZ
4 answers

So it was advised I would use other sources for protection and stop the bcp for a few months while my body gets use to a normal period prior to getting tubes tied. So I did that. It has been two months. I must be blessed to not have many cramps. My question is that over time, will cramps get more severe or is what I feel now and last month going to be pretty much my regular cramping and cycle not using the pill ??? I am excited to get the surgery and so I am not open to comments on that part. I certainly have done all the research and pros and cons of all options relating to being fixed on this subject, just really looking for advice as to if you think the cramps will be worse as we get older or time goes on ? ( yes I am aware the surgery can also change that as well ) I have been on the pill for 9 yrs and I have not had has been so nice, but time to not be on the hormones......

thanks, mamas !

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answers from Albuquerque on

Well, I remember when I was a teenager my cramps were horrendous, there were some days I just had to lay down for most of the day. I was on the pill for over 10 years which helped with the cramps. I've been off the pill now for 6 years and my cramps are never as bad as when I was younger. I still get them, just not as bad.

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answers from Portland on

I don't have an answer to the question, per se, but would suggest that if you are wanting to avoid cramping AND hormones, you might want to talk to a Naturopath. There are good supplements and foods to help with cramping and hormone regulation, too.



answers from Los Angeles on

You won't like this answer - Every woman's body is different, so there is no telling how your mentral cycles will change over time.



answers from Cincinnati on

Each persons body is different. I was on the pill for years, then came off it, It was super heavy the first couple years with minor cramping. Now, I get ovary ache 3 days before, cramps one day and menstrual migraines 2 days before and up to 5 days after. Now I'm being put on topamax for my period days to help with the migraines. I have noticed that exercise helps a lot with the cramps and other problems but not with the migraines.

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