Potluck Ideas

Updated on May 21, 2012
P.S. asks from Bemidji, MN
9 answers

Got invited to a potluck for this thursday, and I am looking for a new recipe. I am tired of the old favorites. Does anybody have any good ones that have just made the potluck. This is a dinner potluck and the hostess will provide the dessert so main meal suggestions. Please provide the actually recipe.


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answers from Minneapolis on

1 package of cheese ravioli cooked. 1 jar of alfredo sauce. 2 diced, cooked and seasoned chicken breasts. About 1/2 package of frozen, thawed spinach. Put in crock pot, add 4-8 oz mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese. It's easy and always goes over big.

My daughter hopes I add more spinach so less will take and there's leftovers, but no such luck!

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answers from Chicago on

1 box pasta made according to directions (I like penne or mosticcol) & drain
1 large jar pasta sauce
1 lb hamburger (can be skipped if vegetarian) browned and drained
1 2 cup package shredded mozzarella cheese

layer pasta, hamburger and sauce in baking dish, bake on 350 for about 30 minutes pull out, add mozzarella cheese bake for about another 10 minutes till cheese melts to bubbly just browning. and wala your good to go. it is my go to recipe for these type events. bring a loaf of french or italian bread and dinner is served.

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answers from San Francisco on

Every one loves these....I bake frozen meatballs in the oven, then throw them a Crockpot with a spicy and sweet sauce. In the past I have used Panda Orange sauce, Gyoza sauce and General Tso's from Trader Joe's.

I give the meatball about an hour in Crockpot to get the flavor of the sauce coated on them.


answers from Phoenix on

I just took this to our church bbq and everyone LOVED it and its so easy: 4 cans of corn drained, 1 stick of butter, 1 cube of cream cheese. Add all to crockpot, cook on low 3-4 hours. Stir 1/2 way thru cooking. Add salt and pepper to taste. (You can also do on a stove top)


answers from Los Angeles on

If you are good at the bbq, you can bbq some meat and take it. Bbq'd meat is always a man pleaser be it chicken or beef. Cook it all up the day before and throw it in a large aluminum pan for delivery.
Re heat before you take it... in the oven, if necessary.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I get all my recipes for a crowd from Taste of Home magazine. They do have an online search option but I don't like it. I prefer to go to the library and look in the periodicals, starting with the first edition and going forward. They used to have a page each issue called food for a crowd or feeding a crowd, it had recipes for 12 up to 100.



answers from Madison on

I like to do a simple fruit salad --

3-4 bananas, sliced (before peeling, boil in water for ~one minute until skin turns brown. Allow to cool another minute or so, then peel and slice. This will prevent the bananas from browning)
1 quart strawberries, sliced
1 container of strawberry glaze, found in the produce section (they even make sugar-free)

Mix all together - that's it! Super easy and it's really yummy!



answers from San Francisco on

Chili, Salad, Corn Bread

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