Opinions on Bumbo Trays

Updated on April 28, 2010
S.V. asks from McKinney, TX
15 answers

I would like to hear any experiences or suggestions concerning the trays for Bumbos. I've read some reviews, and some people loved them, and others said they wouldn't stay on properly. I also noticed that there are different brands of trays that fit on the Bumbo. Which one is best? What did you like or dislike about the tray attachment?
Thanks in advance!!

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answers from Dallas on

My first son was long and lean, and the tray was perfect for him. My second son is built like a little shoebox: short and....not lean. I don't use the tray for him, but could if I felt like messing with it. But smaller built children can enjoy the tray with no problems.

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answers from Nashville on

I had the bumbo brand tray. It turned out to be a waste of my money. I had the bumbo and my son did well in it, so I figured I would go get the tray so that he could have some toys in his reach. He would just knock them off or throw them so I would be retrieving them constantly. The only time he successfully played with the tray on was just banging a spoon or something on it. The tray is very small so won't hold much. It isnt completely level. It is also difficult to put on while baby is in it, because you have to lift the front of the chair up to slide it under. My son was small and I still thought it was awkward.

I have gotten use out of it once he got older. My son will still fit in a bumbo at 2 1/2 and I took it to my moms house when he didn't like to play in it anymore to have as a booster chair over there. Occasionally we have had not enough chairs at the table so we put him in the bumbo and tray on the floor to eat dinner. But lots of kids won't fit in them after 6-8 months if they have chunkier thighs, so I wouldn't count on getting that use out of it. And I think we have only done that twice. So not really worth it overall.



answers from Austin on

It's a little tricky to get it over the lip at the bottom sometimes, but no biggy. My 5 month old loves her Bumbo, but is usually pushing off any toys on the tray. She does this pretty hard and the toy ends up out of reach. I usually go without the tray and let her grab the toys next to her or just in front.



answers from Joplin on

I have used the white tray, it is small but handy, the tray only cost $10 so i thought it was worth it, I didn't think it was hard to get on and off. I think depending on how big your baby is how much use you will get out of it. If you have a larger sized child you will not get as much use out of it, if you have a more petite child you will be able to use it longer. As soon as your child is very mobile/active they are not very safe as I have seen a child as young as 7 months tip it over.



answers from Dallas on

We used the Bumbo tray and loved it. It stayed on and held suction toys nicely. I will definately use with my next baby.



answers from Dallas on

I think Bumbo had at least 2 different trays. Mine was clear and didn't stay on. I could never get it to attach properly. There is also a white tray that I've heard is better. I think they messed up with the first tray and then corrected it with a second model.


answers from Dallas on

It doesn't stay on very well (bumbo brand), but I still used it for toys. and while letting her have a biter biscuit or snack.



answers from Dallas on

I think that how well the tray fits depends on the size of the baby using the bumbo. We have a bumbo chair and tray and when my girl was smaller (inlcuding height and weight) it fit better on the chair but as she has been growing the tray does not fit her as well.



answers from Orlando on

I hated it. It was such a good "idea" but they really need to improve it. My son was always able to take it off so it was never useful to us at all. I love the Bumbo seat itself, it's fantastic!



answers from Abilene on

I had the white tray and used it quite a bit. My daughter was small enough that we just left the tray on when getting her in and out. She was able to have toys nearby, even though she usually sent them flying!



answers from Dallas on

I have a tray that I think is the Bumbo brand, bought at Target. It fits just fine and I feel my baby enjoys having it in front of him with a toy on top much better than just the seat alone. It brings the toys to his level - good idea to me.



answers from Houston on

It was so-so. I had the bumbo brand tray. I didn't like how difficult it was to get on and off. You had to tip the seat back to catch it on the bottom of the seat, otherwise, it didn't stay on. The bigger my son got, the harder this was to do without worrying about the seat falling backward (when he got heavier, it was harder to hold the seat up and balance it with one hand while putting the tray on with the other). I used it some before he was really able to hold his toys well. I think mine was a gift and I'm not sure how much they cost, but I would say you could probably do without it. If it's really cheap, it might be worth it. Maybe you could find one used for a few bucks. Good luck!



answers from Boston on

I absolutely LOVE my sons bumbo tray it has to be the best invention. Its only 10 dollars and is so helpful. I use his as a high chair and for play time while i'm cleaning or doing stuff around the house. I'll put the bumbo on the floor with tray attached and put his toys on the tray! I highly recommend getting one!



answers from Chicago on

We have one and barely use it! It's such a pain to put it on (you have to have the baby in the seat and tilt it) I found that dangerous at time when it gets stuck and wouldn't click from underneath! I really don't see any use for it, apart from putting small toys on it that my son ends up throwing on the floor anyway! I would save the money on the tray, however the seat itself is a great investment!!


answers from Dallas on

I agree with the mothers that said the Bumbo tray (the white one) was very hard to put on. It takes three hands, not just two, to balance the seat with your baby already in it then try to latch it onto the bottom of the seat while it is tipped back. I got so frustrated with mine, I just stopped using it.

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