Need Reassurance

Updated on December 04, 2006
M.P. asks from Atlanta, GA
38 answers

My son is 8 1/2 months old and is still not crawling or showing interest in walking. He was born a few weeks early and had some complications that required him to stay in NICU for a week. I realize that he has some catching up to do but he always is so far behind what the baby books say he should be at. He has just gotten really good at sitting up and I am totally freaking out that he is developmentaly delayed. His 9 month check up is in a week and a half but I am worring so much that it feels like his appointment is 10 years away. I was just wondering if any one else had been through this. Thanks!!

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So What Happened?

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who took the time to respond!! I really appreiate it!!! So,we went for the 9 month check up today and the Doctor agreed that my son is about a month behind w/ his gross motor skills but a little ahead with his social skills. She totally agreed that he is a VERY TALKATIVE little guy and that his fine motor skills seem good too. The doctor just wants to wait and see how he develops. But my husband and I are going to have a Physical Therapist at Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta check him out next week just to make sure since we had an extremely difficult delivery and the baby was early and sick. If nothing else, we feel that seeing a specialist will help put our minds at ease. Thanks again, M.

UPDATE: My son is starting to cruise!!! We have a great Physical Thereapist with CHOA whose is really getting him up and going!

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answers from Hattiesburg on

I went through the same thing with my daughter. she had great social skills, actually above average, but i was worried about the fact that she lacked interest in walking. her doctor told me not to worry, that she was healthy and normal, that every child develops and progresses differently. she wasn't always around children her size that could walk but i noticed that at her 1st birthday (yes! 1st birthday) she got really motivated to walk because other kids her size were walking. they were a little older but she wouldn't know that. she was walking in not time.

now she is very agile! she is almost three now but for the past year i've had not one worry about her motor skills.

hang in there! it'll seem like he learned to walk over night in no time.



answers from Jackson on


My son is 15 months now and just started walking he was almost 11 months before he crawed an 10 months before he had any teeth. Enjoy knowing that if you step out of sight for a moment he will be right where you left whe you get back. I miss those days. They all get there in their own good time!



answers from Atlanta on

M., my son is 9 1/2 months old, and he is not yet crawling. Instead, he rolls from place to place. I have friends with babies (all around the same age, but my son is the oldest), and they are all crawling or cruising. I have decided that I can't worry about it. He is healthy, and that is really the best that I can hope for. I think perhaps you should do the same--he will crawl and/or walk when he is ready!

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answers from Nashville on

my wonderful ped doctor told me that all babies ( espcially preemies) develop at different rates. sydney is 7 months and she isnt crawling either. just give it time. she was early, he just needs time to cath up.




answers from Chattanooga on

I think we all as mothers want our children to strive and keep up w/ the Jones's or little Tommy down the street that already recites the alphabet at age 2, but we have to remember our children are individuals and no child is alike so don't stress out until his peditrician does, and by the way if this makes you feel better my little boy wasn't completely taking off by himself until he was 13 months old. Just remember to have everything nailed down and cushioned when he does!




answers from Atlanta on

My younger brother had a problem like that and my mom took him to the doc and he told her that she mad need too take him to an ear spec. Well, she did and that was the problem. He had an ear problem that know one knew about. It may not be your sons case, but check in on it.



answers from Nashville on

Hello i don;t know where you live in tennessee but 3 of my 4 children had speech and motor skill delays and i caught each one at an early age. I found a foundation called Tennessee Early Intervention. It is a foundation that work with children birth to 3years old and they come to your home and test your child and if he needs therapy will do it in the home as well. And if you qualify it can be free. htey have a website just google tennessee early intervention. If you live near dickson i can tell you the local office.



answers from Augusta on

hi M.
dont worry about your son because all babies devolop at there own speed. he will get the hang of it and you wont be able to stop him. That it what everyone told me. Good luck. and he will start soon.
S. B



answers from Chattanooga on

Different children meet milestones at different times! As long as your ped is not worried, I would not loose any valuable sleep over it!



answers from Memphis on

I think you've gotten generally good advice. Children do develop at different rates within a general timeframe (which is really a range of ages (e.g., most kids walk between 10 & 14 months of age). Given that your child was premature & in NICU for a time, there may be factors that place your child more at risk than others - or there may be none (this is much more likely). If you contact the Tenn Early Intervention Services (as someone else mentioned), you can request information. However, I would not do that until you talk with the pediatrician. Remember, he's healthy & happy - there is no immediate risk. And, given his young age, if he does not some help, physical therapists do a GREAT job of helping kids wiht crawling, walking, sitting, etc. There's plenty of time in either case. So ask your dr. what he thinks, whether he would recommend TEIS or if he thinks any evaluation is needed. If you are not satisfied by his answer, you may want to get a second opinion. There are many, many resources in the Memphis area!




answers from Atlanta on

Please do not worry about that. Every baby is different and learns at different rates. My friend had a baby that did not start walking till about two yearsold whereas my son starting walking at 6mths and then learned to crawl at the age of 1. Enjoy this time and stop worrying about that. He will walk and crawl when he is ready to. Keep him on the floor and crawl with him if you want him to learn how to crawl. Sometimes they will follow our lead. Try it



answers from Nashville on

Been there....Both my girls were premature..both one month early...for some reason I can't carry a baby full term. My oldest is doing great and excells at everything she does, the other was just diagnosed with cerebral palsy this past March.She was considered developmental delay until March. I have been to Vanderbilt and everywhere for her. She did not meet any was too the point I told the nurses and doctors to stop asking and I would let them know about any changes. As an OB nurse, I would tell you to not go by the books because children don't. Those are general guidelines and does not predict what each individual child will do. My disabled child is now 5 and is still not walking or talking. I find it a blessing to have children at all. In my women are devistated that they can't have any. I have learned to take the good with the bad. This is probably not the encouragement you were looking for, but this is reality. The best power is knowledge...get you some books and read, better yet talk to the pediatrician about your concerns, they may tell you the same. Overall, think about the big picture....regardless, you have a child, a gift that so many other women can not have.




answers from Hattiesburg on

My son didn't start walking until right before his first birthday. My cousins little boy who is the same age started walking like 2 months before my son. They just start when they want to. A little girl in my sons class at daycare is one day younger than him they are now 18 months old and she just started walking like 2 to 3 weeks ago and it took her a long time to crawl but she was fine. Like everyone else said each baby develops at its on pace.



answers from Savannah on

I wouldn't worry unless your doctor tells you otherwise. My best friend's daughter is turning a year old in a few weeks, and she just started crawling around. We all thought she would skip crawling and go straight to walking. She started pulling herself up a few months ago, (around 10 mos.), but before that, all she would really do is just sit up on her own. And she was born right on time. So try not to stress too much, I know it's hard!



answers from Atlanta on

All kids do things at different times. I have a friend who was very worried when who 18 month old was barely talking and mine was talking in sentence. Now, however, her daughter is reading at 4. She was a little slower at some things, but now is actually ahead.
Also, I have known lots of parents whose kids are just getting mobile at this age, especially boys who seem to be a little slower to start some things. Don't worry, generally by the time they are school age they are all at similar places in development.
One more thing, my brother did not speak until he was 2.5. My
Father was very concerned. However, When he first spoke it was in complete sentences. So don't woory they all do things at there own pace.



answers from Savannah on

Dear M.,
I understand your fears. My daughter, now 2, was the same way. She was delayed in everything and eventually diagnosed with a form of autism call PDD. That may not be the case with your son. However, the best thing I ever did for my daughter was start her with an early intervention program. Here in Hinesville Georgia it is called Babies Can't wait. Check with your local health department. After my daughter's evaluation, she qualified for occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special instruction. It has helped her tremendously. Check it out. Most of the time the therapists will come to you and that is a big benefit. Good luck.



answers from Atlanta on

My daughter is 10 1/2 months old and does not crawl or pull up. On her 9 month check up the DR said some babies never crawl (I didn't when I was a baby, but I was walking at 7 months) he also told me that crawling is not considered a milestone and it just takes a while for some babies. Recently I made myself stop reading baby milestones because it was driving me insane! I hope this helps.



answers from New Orleans on

my girlfriend has 3 babies and all of them didnt walk until 2-3 years old... i'm not joking,, her ped told her the same thing that their motor skills were less than a child their age, but now he is almost 3 and you can't stop him. all of her babies were breast fed until they were 2....not to say that means anything but not to worry too much your baby isnt unnormal just a little undeveleoped,, you will be ok...
my 3yr old girl i promise she was walking at 81/2 months. she didnt crawl, and when i joined a mom's club they didnt believe me until we went to the meeting in july 04, and she was born in Oct. 03....Now I can't stop boy was walking at 11 months, and he is the same way they run together and run me crazy..LOL
good luck



answers from Nashville on

hello, my son had premi lungs and i got to know other parents with premis at the time.their children also took longer to start things as have to account for the time they were supposed to be in the wound also.besides that they are very healthy children.some babies get lazy because they would rather be cuddled!i know it makes you want to hold onto them even more when they are sick!



answers from Knoxville on

I think that is normal for your baby. All babies are different. My first one just scooted around until like 10 months and he started pullin up and taking a step here and there. So i always say he walked before he crawled. He got them both figured out about 10and half to 11 month. Don't worry your little boy is fine!! :0)



answers from Knoxville on

Hi M.. My son was born at 36 weeks and he did not even roll over till 9 1/2 months. Two weeks later he started pulling up and cruising THEN he started crawling and at 11 1/2 months he started walking. It was almost like every week was something new. I know how you feel though. I was so worried something was wrong. But now he's a healthy happy 15 month old. Good luck to you and your little boy!



answers from Memphis on

Hey, M.. My little girl didn't walk until 15 mos. She started pulling up around a year and actually started crawling after that. She is a very cautions child and I think she could walk, she just didn't want to let go. But when she did, she rarely fell down. 8 mos is still pretty young. He will do it when he is ready and there isn't anything you can do to make it happen faster. As a first time mom myself, I was worried too but, at 22 mos, my baby is running and jumping everywhere now! Hope this helps!




answers from Chattanooga on

First, exactly how premature was your son? If he was born at 32 weeks, for example, then he was 2 months (8 weeks) early and you should consider him really only 6 and a half months old.

Second, is he sitting up? At what age did he do this? Is he rolling over? Scooting across the floor (combat crawl)? Not all kids crawl the same way. Some kids just do a combat crawl. Others crawl on their hands and knees.

Third, contact Tennessee Early Intervention Services. They can evaluate him and find out if he really is delayed. If he is, early intervention is a must! Kids from birth to age 3 (3rd birthday) can get physical, occupational, and speech therapy at little or no cost if they qualify.

Finally, a little reassurance. I was born 2 and a half months early and weighed 2.5 pounds. That was 40 years ago. I am happy and healthy. I have a master's degree. I do have some vision problems but nothing contacts can't correct. Good luck! Let me know how it goes.



answers from Memphis on

My daughter was born at 26 weeks and she started sitting up at 12 months and walking at 13 months. TN early intervention program would be a good source to contact and see if there is an actual delay. Dont worry about what other babys are doing, I drove myself crazy doing that, now, I know my babies are delayed and I also know that they are progressing and TEIS is working with us. I am a stay at home mom too, and I just make sure I provide them with as much stimulation that I can and watch and enjoy them.



answers from Columbus on

Let me reassure you......don't worry about him being behind at all. My daughter isn't behind - she was born right on time and all, but she didn't crawl until right at 9 mos. and she didn't walk until 1 year. She is all over the place now.
Others have prob. already said this to you, but enjoy it while it lasts!! Soon enough, you'll be chasing him all over the house and wearing out!! All babies are diff. and you can't compare them to others. My mother-in-law was pressuring my daughter to walk b/c she walked at 9 mos. and thought my daughter should. Now, my daughter can get around just fine. It just happened when she was good and ready.

Your doctor will prob. say the same thing. Keep your chin up M.!!



answers from Knoxville on

My nephew was born 8 weeks early and was also not interested in crawling at 9 months. Turns out he never crawled. He starting walking around things around 11 months or so and then just started walking right around a year old!! I'm sure your little one will be up and walking around before you know it....




answers from Atlanta on

I *really* wouldn't worry if I were you. My daughter who was full term without any complications didn't start scooting until she was almost nine months old and didn't crawl until she was a little over ten months old. EVERY baby develops at their own rate, and boys develop slower than girls. You need to "adjust" his age based on how premature he was, if he was four weeks preemie, subtract four weeks from his age and that is where he "should" be developing. However, once again, all babies develop at their own rate.

My four year old son was 17 months old when he started walking, I think he was just stubborn.



answers from Memphis on

It will be okay. All kids are not the same some catch on quick and some dont. my daughter now 4 had seizures her 1st year of life and she was so behind i had to put her in cdc preschool classes which she is in now when she started she was 3 years behind her age she has been in the class almost 2 years now and she is only a year behind now and she is doing great. So dont worry your precious baby will come around i prayed and mines did. Good luck



answers from Atlanta on

Don't worry, I'm not. My daughter (born 2/4/06-also 8 1/2 months old) is also not crawling or walking yet. I'm not sure she'll ever crawl. She may skip aheaad to walking. Everytime she's on her belly, she rolls back to her back and stays that way. She likes to stand with assistance and sit and play but she's definitely not mobile. I work with a pediatric therapy clinic and they told me not to worry about it until she's around 10 months old. She seems behind when I'm around other babies her age but she's also doing fun things that those babies don't do (like smile more often, wave at me etc.). EVERY BABY IS DIFFERENT. You can contact your local Early Intervention program if you're worried but for now, at least you're aware of it and you can work with him a little for another month or two and then seek some professional advice.


answers from Augusta on

My sister was going through the same thing ans still is. It just takes some babies longer than other to do things. I believe that in due time you baby will begin to crawl and walk. My neice was about 10 mths oold before she started to crawl and over a year when she was walking. Now that she is almost about to turn two she is not really talking as much as a 2 yrs old should. But she has proven that in time she can and will do thing. Something things just takes time. I hope this advice can help you out some



answers from Atlanta on

I agree with Julie about not reading "baby milestones". I drove myself crazy worrying about my first daughter, and with the second I don't keep up with what she is "supposed" to be doing. Babies all develop in their own way, in their own time. Those charts are just averages. Remember that some babies have to be at the top of the charts, and others have to be at the bottom. None are better or worse, just different in their own special ways. Enjoy your little one and being a mom! It all goes by so quickly . . . By the way, I've known LOTS of healthy infants who have not crawled by 8 1/2 months, including my oldest daughter. Hope that eases your fears!



answers from Atlanta on

hey, my daughter was 10 weeks early, and we were always told that you cant base your childs growth with every other childs, i mean in walking, crawling, sitting, standing and all that, every child is different...our little girl didnt crawl till she was about 10 months and she didnt walk till she was 13 1/2 months.....just as long as your dr doesnt think there is anything wrong at the check up i wouldnt worry about it and if people give you a hard time, just say every child is different and learns at there own pace.......they all catch up sooner or later.......good luck.....oh and write down all your questions for your doc. and let him/her know what your going through, it takes a lot of pressure off your shoulders.......



answers from Atlanta on

I also heard that crawling isn't considered a milestone. My first child didn't walk until almost 14 months. I REALLY think it's much to early to worry about walking at this point. Try to stop worrying!



answers from Nashville on

If you are really worried then you might consider contacting TN Early Intervention. Its a free program that will test your child and if there is a delay then they can come and help you with their growth.



answers from Knoxville on

Both of my sons started crawling at a little over 9 months old, and began walking at 10 1/2 months old. They just didn't feel like crawling I guess. I was worried for the first one, but not so much the second one. My oldest also didn't start talking until he was 16 months old. Now I can't shut him up (haha). Every baby is different. My brother was 3 months premature (yes, 3 months!) and spent the first two months in the hospital becasue of it. Now he is over 6 ft with no problems at all!!!
enjoy him little while you don't have to put everything up high ;)



answers from Atlanta on

I wouldn't worry. I have an 8 1/2 year old daughter who is developmentally right where your son interest in walking or pulling up. She only army crawls (not on all fours). Is he very verbal? Sometimes a child is either verbal or physical...meaning that while one is developing the other is "on hold" in a way. Some babies don't really crawl at all, they just start walking. I'm sure your ped will offer some ideas for activities to help build the necessary muscles to encourage walking.



answers from Atlanta on

sweetheart...some babies are walking at 8 months, and some babies are still crawling at over a year...don't you stress out!!! i am sure it is all fine, but maybe asking your doc about his development thus far would reassure you a bit are doing fine, and good luck!!!



answers from Memphis on

My daughter is also 8 1/2 months (9 months on Dec 2). She isn't crawling yet. She seems content with sitting up and she can manage to scoot around a little, but that's it. She isn't trying to stand either. I was concerned at first, but now I feel like she'll be just fine, but if she doesn't (at the least) crawl by her 1st birthday, I will make sure to see her dr. I also have two other children that both crawled early, so this is unusual to me, but she was premature. Her dr reassured me that she will catch up in time. The dr says that if she wasn't 'caught up' developmentally and in size by the time she is 16 months old then we might become concerned. Sometimes it feels good to know that there is someone our there with the same problem as you! Hope this helped! (I am in Grenada too, and I am also a stay-at-home mom)

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