Need General Practitioner in Roanoke-Keller Area

Updated on March 14, 2008
A.J. asks from Roanoke, TX
7 answers

My husband has been very sick since monday and we do not have a general practitioner, we have always gone to care now but have had bad experiences with them. We have BCBS insurance so preferably one that accepts it.

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answers from Dallas on

Trophy Club Family Medicine...Dr. Byrd..###-###-####



answers from Dallas on

Hi. My kids go to Dr. Fricker in Keller behind the McDonald's on Keller Parkway. I think its called Kid Care Pediatrics. I have seen 3 of the doctors there and have loved them all! We are also on BCBS.



answers from Dallas on

If you need to get in quick Urgent Care at Trophy Club is excellent. Also my hubby goes to Dr. Kallal in Keller, located right behind McD's and next to the high school on Rufe Snow. They do take BCBS (our insurance also)

Hope your hubby feels better soon!



answers from Dallas on

We go to Trophy Club Family medical. It's in the Tom Thumb shopping center off hwy 114. Our main doctor there is Dr. Byrd, but all of the PA's we've seen are GREAT. IT doesn't take long to get an appointment either. The number is ###-###-####. Hope that helps!! And I know they take that insurance cuz that's what we have.



answers from Dallas on

I live in Justin and we LOVE Trophy Club Family Medical. It's int he shopping center there with Tom Thumb, Starbucks, Walgreens, Bank of America, ect. It's down the plaza a bit from Blockbuster.



answers from Dallas on

We've always been pleased with Trophy Club Family Medicine. ###-###-####. We have seen Dr. Byrd, as well as all of the Physician Assistants. Hope your husband feels better soon.



answers from Dallas on

Hi A. - I do not have insurance and found a Dr. in Roanoke that is only $35 a visit! He does not accept insurance but his prices are a third of what Carenow charges. I have been several times and it is absolutely WONDERFUL to be able to afford to go to the doctor. His name is Dr. Brad Griffin. He is right across from the Roanoke Post Office. Thanks - E.

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