My Oldest Daughter Has Dysmenorrah/severe Painful Periods...

Updated on October 15, 2010
K.T. asks from Clarksville, TN
14 answers

Does anyone else deal with this personally or know someone who does? I am at a loss as what to do besides go to the gyn office and tonight once again I had to take her back to the ER since today was a holiday and it was after hours. I spend 4-5 hrs stuck there waiting while they ran tests, did blood tests, xrays, ect. I am a worn out mom of 3 and my youngest is 3. Luckily we have some great best friends/neighbors who watched youngest while we went to hospital. Her periods before, during, after of painful and stabbing sensations are wrecking havoc on us all. She was literally stuck in the floor again tonight and it took 3 guys to get her into my vehicle. She couldn't stand, couldn't walk for fear that it was gonna hurt even more. They put her on prescription motrin and suggested heating pads, hot baths, relaxing but I am more afraid of serious problems like cancer or the prospect of her never able to have children-endometriosis. Most everyone in my family has had cancer or is battling it and I am freaked out about it. Is it outgrowable? Is it a forever type deal? Please help. Note the drs also put her on different birth ctrl pills to regulate periods since her longest is 7 mos for having a period. I know thats crazy but it was horrible and extremely heavy and painful. I have everything in her medical files also as proof.

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answers from Sharon on

My sister gets that way they have put her on just about every birth control out there.... and drs came to conclusion that she has cists on her ovaries i would ask her gyno to get a internal ultra sound done she may have cists that need to removed.... and if it gets worse maybe take her to a cancer clinic and see if she has cancer...
wish you luck and hope she starts feeling better
S. and my son Joshua

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answers from Provo on

First off, I would get a different doctor. I would find a more "natural" doctor. My daughter had heavy painful periods and her progesterone was low. Once we had the complete blood test done it showed a few other vitamins that she should take and it all helped. Once my daughter left for college and changed her diet, it helped bunches.

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answers from Boston on

Your poor daughter. I feel her pain I was just like that until after I had my second son. I have had a few surgeries to remove scar tissue from endometriosis and after the last one I ended up with my second son :) I have not had painful periods since I had him I also did not go back on birth control I found that the birth control actually wreaked more havoc on my body then anything else. I would bleed for 2.5 weeks stop for half of a week and my period would start again as soon as I got to the row of sugar pills in my bc pack. It was horrible. I passed out on quite a few teachers during high school while I had my period because it was that heavy and painful. I strongly suggest you seek an ob that specializes in caring for young woman. I went to one when I had a cyst removed when I was 17 she only saw girls 21 and under and she was wonderful. Also for me prescription strength motrin did not touch my pain. I had to go on the pain med tramadol (sp?)

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answers from Sioux City on

When I was young, my periods became very severe. The pain would take me to the floor. It hurt so bad at times I would feel like I was going to pass out. I had it figured out that I could take myself to the emergency room get a pain shot and I had 10 minutes to get home before it hit me. I would be out for about 12 hours and then the pain would be manageable with motrin, which I took at prescription strength.

The doctor that helped me the most was Dr. Hilgers of the Pope Paul the VI Institute. He is a world renowned fertility care specialist. He trains doctors from all over the world. He believes in getting to the bottom of why you are having the problem and then trying to correct it instead of masking the problem with the Pill. Hope on the Pope Paul the VI Institute and see if you can find a doctor near you. Either that or send her records to the institute and he will review them and direct you from there.

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answers from Fayetteville on

I didn't end up having periods like this until having my 2nd child in 02 at the age of 26. A year later I was having a hysterectomy! I had endometriosis so bad it wasn't even funny. But at the sametime, at the age of 18 I passed out at work from suffer pain in my pelvic area. My dad came and got me and took me to the er and they did a pelvic exam and found an infection in both of my tubes! I am not saying this is what is wrong with your daughter, but maybe it is! I was also on the pill at this time! They need to do some testing on her, and you seem to be a strong mother and you need to make them do some on her!

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answers from Nashville on

I suffered severe menstral pain as a teen too. The doctor put me on mircette birth control and prescription muscle relaxers for the pain. It helped alot. I wish I had a mother like you because thats all she did for me. She never had me tested or took me to the er. The pain was so bad that I even threatened to put a gun to my head to end the pain. It was horrible! I found that very hot baths helped the cramping a lot. Sometimes that didn't even work. My dad would pick me up from school because I'd have to call home. I would olmost faint and fall out of my seat and dry heave not to mention cold sweats. I'm 28 years old now and my periods are a lot better I just had a baby and everything has been fine. Good Luck to your daughter.

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answers from Chattanooga on

I have something like that... But mine is different... mine is called middlesmertz... it normally caused by systs but what happens is when my overy drops my egg it does so with such a great force that i bleed internally for a week and it happens about two weeks before I have my period... and i am in sever pain... what the did for me was put me on a very strong birth contorl... I was 16 when this happened... and have been on the pill hor 10 years now... I have a child and everything is fine... but when i was 16I was faced with either the pill or having a hysterectomy... I chose the pill... I don't know if this helps but I hope it does... instead of the pill you might want to look at the shot... it reduces the periods and can make it to were she doesn't have one... Like I said I hope this helps

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Tulsa on

when I did that they put me on birth control to help the cramps. I was also on muscle relaxers and pain killers and still couldnt function. the good news is i kinda out grew it at about 25. but then it came back about 38. it is off and on now. tellher to cut down on caffiene and avoid chocolate.

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answers from Boston on

There are some very simple things you can do nutritionally to either reduce the use of drugs or eliminate them altogether. I'm a nutritional consultant and I help people for free. Your daughter does not have to go through this and you can also ward off your worries about cancer and endometriosis by taking steps now to support the immune system. Feel free to email me and maybe we can talk by phone to make it more efficient for me to get a little more info about her.

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answers from Dallas on

My heart goes out to your daughter. I had severe periods for a while that would cause me to miss 2 days of school every month.
If you would like to know about the supplements I used to get better, let me know.

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answers from Louisville on

Im confused has she been to the gyno or not? if she hasnt get her there today!!!!!!!!! I was like your daughter in the er all the time never in school ect. they put my on birthcontrol and it helped a ton. however i still had pain but it was 80% better than before. I later discovered alot of the pain i was having was cysts rupturing. i will never forget the first one i had i had to crawl to my mothers room in the middle of the night it was horrible. i have had them rupture right before my period while i was on and right after and jsut randomly the way they tested was by just doing a simple ultrasound. but yes she needs to be seen ASAP ps PLEASE dont be too scared to take her to the dr b/c of cancer. cancer has no age restrictions and can come at any time if their is a history tell the dr.

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answers from Charleston on

I suggest a full work-up and if her gyn doesnt want to do it cause she's a teen then switch gyn's. I was like that as a teen and when I was 22 and trying to have a baby found out I had endometriosis. They need to do an ultrasound lab work and maybe even laperscopic surgery cause that is the only way endo can be seen. It can not be seen by ultrasound no matter what anyone tell you. Please get her some help that is no way for a teen or young women to spend her young years. I have been there. I finally had a hysterectomy at 28 soon after having my 2 kids but it took lots of money and years of trying to get those 2 babies. I dont wish that on anyone. My gyn said the only reason I was probably able to have the kids I do have was cause I was on the pill as a teen (for birth control not for the heavy periods) and it unknowingly saved what little fertility I had.

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answers from Nashville on

I also have had this problem. It did go away while I was on birth control and even after I was off the pill for a few years. It seems for me the problem is worse with one ovary, because every other period is worse. I definitely agree with the person who mentioned diet as a way to help. Also I would suggest exercise! I definitely noticed that when I was exercising daily, the cramps were much less or even gone.

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