Is It Only Me? - Portland,OR

Updated on May 17, 2011
L.N. asks from Portland, OR
18 answers

So I was on my work e-mail, (an aol), and they always show news articles, and I read one about a mom giving her 8 year old daughter a botox, to get rid of wrinkles in the girls face for her beauty pageants. Is this horrible and disgusting, or is it me? She also waxed her daughters legs!

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answers from Phoenix on

I just heard this on the radio, it is totally disqusting. They even asked the 8yo why she needs botox and you could tell she was just trying to repeat what she hears from her mom - so sad!

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answers from Anchorage on

We do not yet really know all the long term effects of botox, and as such I think this crosses the line in to endangerment. As for the waxing, seems over the top but not so dangerous like the botox.

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answers from Phoenix on

Totally ludicrous....

Excessive need for approval....

Mom probably has Munchaussen by proxy...that' will be the next headline.

OK, I had to google and watch the news take...THIS piece of news totally ruined my day...I am beyond sadness for a society that promotes this type of beautification process. The girl is clearly brainwashed by her idiot of a mother.

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answers from Los Angeles on

That is so wrong on SO many levels! This almost makes me want to cry!

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answers from Chicago on

just plain wrong and horrible.

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answers from Dallas on

horrible, disgusting, illegal.
On the same distorted page, I saw where a guy gave his little boy a tattoo. While that's better than driving into the lake the with them, it's still pretty damn terrible.
I know God has a plan, but I don't understand why he lets some of the worst people be parents but chooses not to bless some of the best???

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answers from Redding on

People are insane.

When I was a kid, my best friend was Little Miss this and Little Miss that, she was also Miss California. Her little sister was in pageants as well.
I can't believe the levels to which things have been taken. I really can't.
Back then, little girls didn't wear makeup, have fake teeth, fake hair, they didn't wear provocative outfits. There were no moms standing up and sashaying or prompting dimples.
I can't believe what it's turned into.
I think that many of these moms live vicariously through their children whether they admit it or not.
I don't think it's good for them to sit and bad mouth the other kids or parents or get mad if their kid doesn't win.

Just my opinion.

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answers from Louisville on

one word....


so sad, but that seems to be where this all heads ...
(saw this word a year or so ago about this same kind of things w/the pagents)

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answers from Dallas on

No it's not just you. I too find that totally disgusting. What is she teaching her daughter? Kids are already growing up way too fast, why rush it even more so?

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Horrible and disgusting. I am fairly sure botox is not FDA approved for children.

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answers from Seattle on

just insane! I am very much sickened by all of this. Why can't little kids be kids anymore? So sad.


answers from Los Angeles on

I am with you. I don't even go there and read any of that stuff, it is WAY bizarre!

~What is that telling those poor girls? One thing it is absolutely saying is that 'you are not good enough the way you are AND that beauty is all that matters' pathetic! Have you heard about the fake teeth they make them wear too?!



answers from Seattle on

Eww... I hadn't heard this story. Disgusting...



answers from Los Angeles on

i can say this. i am a pageant mom to a 4 year old little girl and i am sickened by this. i would never dip into the insanity this mom has. i feel for this child who is going to forever have body issues and will never see herself as perfect with out a cosmetic procedure.



answers from San Francisco on

I read that while ago and was so angry I sent an email to the SF district attorney asking them to investigate this as they are practicing this in San Francisco. From what I could tell it is illegal to use botox on anyone under 18 but I felt like I notified the right people if in fact it is illegal. I don't think it is only you. It's so sad that features such as frozen lips and hollowed out eye sockets and eyebrows that are half way up your forehead are the norm now. kind of ghastly!



answers from Seattle on

Absolutely ludicrous!



answers from Seattle on

It's not just you! I have all girls, pretty girls...a blonde, a brunette and a red head and always received offers to put them in shows and pageants...While it's flattering, we HAVE to resist! The exploitation has a 3 year old is ludacris! And mothers who do that, in my opinion, have serious issues.
These mothers need to be tarred and feathered so they can see how it feels.



answers from Kansas City on

I think it's awesome! The mother has completely taken away the little girl's childhood--way to go mom! Botox and waxing her legs at age 8? Many pageant girls also wear way too much make-up, push-up bras, and fake eyelashes--also at age 8. If mom likes pageants so much then she should do them instead of reliving her childhood through her daughter.

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