He's Still NOT Sleeping!!!

Updated on October 31, 2008
A.L. asks from Princeton, NJ
7 answers

Alright Moms, I think I am going to go crazy!!!! My son was sleeping great through the night at 5 months. At around 8 months he started teething then gpt a cold and we have yet to sleep through the night since. At first I thought it was a hunger issue, but I am now feeding hime mixed grains with some type of fruit at around 7:30 after he has eaten dinner at 5:30 and I put him to bed around 8. He is then good till about any where between 1 and 4 and then he insists on taking a bottle. He is eating about 5 ounces I am pretty sure he is hungry, but hoe do I stop the waking to eat. He is 9 months, shouldn't he be able to sleep through the night??? He wakes up at 7 every morning and eats a good breakfast. His lunches are always a good portion and so id his dinner. What can I do to get all of us through the night again???
Any suggestions, or at least some comfort knowing that this too will pass would be greatly appreciated!!!

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answers from Louisville on

Hi A.,
I would try what another mom recommended and moving the bedtime earlier, as a start. Sounds like your son probably isn't waking hungry. He could be overtired. But also every child is different! My son did not sleep through the night until a year, but we stopped night feedings at 9 months. He had chronic ear infections which impeded his ability to get on track. We did use cry-it-out after nothing else worked, and it was a miracle. He's great now, at 22 months, but with lots of trial and error. He goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps until 6am or later. Our daughter is 8.5 months and she goes to bed at 6:30 - she sleeps better than our son (deeper) but she has a harder time going back to sleep. She was doing 12 hour nights for a while and I'm so frustrated that she's back to waking once or twice. A lot of this is teething I'm sure, but some of it is development - just becoming more aware of the world around them (plus crawling etc.). It's so exciting!

I keep lights off, no stimulation or conversation at all, I don't even look her in the eyes because her beautiful smile will get me every time, I just shush and pat her, or rock or walk her. I don't do any ONE soothing technique, just so she doesn't get used to it. Because we have a light sleeping toddler, we can't just let her cry. Plus, she does not settle down - she just gets more and more outraged. We share night duty so I'm not tired all the time (we both work full time), and that helps.

After the first year is over, sleeping gets so much better. Keep at it, you're doing a great job!!

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answers from New York on

Hi A.
Funny - my daughter is doing something similar and is also 9 months. I think it might have something to do with the teeth? I dont know. She would always sleep through from about 10pm or so (she always goes to sleep late) until about 7am, but for the past month or so I see she is always waking up around 4am. I dont think she's hungry, but generally some juice and the pacifier work well for her at least (as well as a diaper change). She stays up for about 15 minutes and then falls back/
I am just assuming this has to do with the teething discomfort. Trial and error I guess!
Take care!

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answers from New York on

How big of a boy is he?

My guy is a big 'un (95% for height and weight though a little younger than yours) and my pedi told me that at his size he should probably be able to go around 8 hours without eating.

If your guy is average sized, he could actually be hungry (figuring 8-4 is 8 hrs).

I have no advice as I don't sleep through the night but I just wanted to throw that out there.

Good luck!



answers from New York on

He could be dehydrated. Try giving him water from a sippy cup. Never a bottle. Born Free is a great brand with out the harmful plastics.
At 8 months your child should only have 16-24 ounces per days of formula or breast milk.
Finger foods and wheat. Cheerios, teething biscuits, bread, pastina.
Meats, 2 tablespoons once a day. (Lamb, veal, chicken, and beef) Yogurt, cheese, egg yolk.
OJ and other citrus.
Hold off on whole milk until 12 months and then he should only get 16-24 ounces of that a day.
Juice should be 1/2 diluted with water.
Food avoidance to decrease risk of allergy-Until 12 months- egg whites, berries, tomato, fish, chocolate, honey, and corn syrup. Until 3 years-peanut butter

Foods Prone to choking-Foods with skins, i.e hot dogs, grapes, raisins.
Popcorn should be avoided until the age of 2 1/2 while granola and nuts should be avoided until the age of 6.
If he's walking, try getting him running around outside all bundled up for the cold weather between 2-4 for at least 1-2 hours of play. That should get his muscles tuckered out and get you some excercise. If he's not walking yet give him little obstacles around the living room to crawl to, tumble, chase you. Tucker him out and have fun! =)



answers from Albany on

At nine months most children can have milk and formula. When he wakes up are you playing with him? Cause he may be waking up thinking its a game try giving him some cereal and milk before he sleeps if that doesn't work try letting him cry it out it won't hurt and he may just stay asleep



answers from New York on

Hi A.,
I know you don't want to hear this, but I have a 17 mos old who still doesn't sleep through the night. I have read MANY books and magazine articles about sleep, but nothing seems to work for this boy! What I wanted to point out though, is that in my reading I found out that it is normal for a baby to NOT sleep thru the night until after 1 year of age. I'm not trying to discourage you, but it might help if you look at it realistically. There are so many parents who brag about their babies sleeping thru the night at an early age, that we start to think that there is something wrong with our kid! But those babies who ARE sleeping, are actually abnormal!
Is it possible that he needs to go to bed earlier? You will be surprised to learn that keeping him up later (expecting him to then sleep longer), will only have him up earlier. My doc said that I had to cut out night time nursing at 6 mos. Most docs will say that a baby no longer needs to eat at night by 9 mos. At that point they are waking up hungry because it is a habit - NOT because they need it for nutrition. I was told to offer water at night, which most babies refuse, but it should then help them to sleep longer because they realize that it isn't worth it to get up. Your son is old enough to let him CIO now. We tried it 3 times and our son is one of those rare cases when it just doesn't work. You can try reading Dr. Ferber's book, or the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby" (By Weis-something, I think). If you are against using the CIO method, try reading "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. She has some good advice, but it all takes time. And those parents who don't want to invest the time, opt for the CIO method. It all depends on your parenting style.
We've been using the teething excuse for quite a while now. Honestly, I have no idea if that is what keeps my son up. Babies that are older than 6 mos can have motrin (good for teething). Check with your pediatrician for the exact dose; it is based on weight, not age. If you prefer to go drug free, Hylands makes an all natural product called teething tablets. You can find them at CVS, WalMart, etc. My son now recognizes the bottle and indicates that he wants them, so they must provide him some relief.
My son usually falls asleep to lullabye music and we recently discovered that our CD player has a repeat button (awesome!). I've heard MANY parents recommend the Fisher Price crib aquarium (I think that is what it's called). A lot of parents say that after a while their baby learned how to turn it back on themselves and could fall back asleep without the parents coming in to them!! My son also loves the night light in his room which constantly changes colors.
The one thing that I have learned that stands out in my mind is that every kid either is a sleeper or a non-sleeper... I'm convinced I got a non-sleeper! Which makes me think that no matter what I do... I just have to wait until he is good and ready to sleep!
It is so hard when they wake up and they can't communicate what is wrong. I can't say for sure that "this too shall pass"..... but that's what everyone has been telling me! It must be true! There has to be hope for us! Sorry to ramble for so long, but I hope that something works for your son and you can all get some sleep! Best of luck to you!



answers from New York on


I don't think after he has eaten dinner it is necessary to give him more cereal at 7:30 again it may be to much food. You didn't mention if he was getting his bottle before bed, or do you just do the cereal. If he is eating enough during the day which he sounds like he is I am sure it is just habit.
Maybe you can move his meal schedule back a little. When he wakes at seven maybe give him a bottle and do breakfast at 8 or 8:30 and then lunch around 12 or so. I used to give my kids a snack like a yogurt and fruit around three and then dinner at 6 or so(ofcourse keep his bottle schedule). Maybe if you can give him his dinner a little later and a bottle at 8 he might not be so hungry. When he wakes at night you have two choices let him cry it out going to him frequently and comforting him but not picking him up. Or try switching to water and maybe after a few nights it won't be worth waking up for. The cry it out method always worked for me. I get alot of slack for it but there really is no way he should be hungry any longer. Unfortunately when our kids get sick or teeth it disrupts their schedule. It can be difficult to get them back on track. I did the same thing with my daughter when she had constant ear infections at about 9 months I started feeding her because she was waking everynight. She would take the bottle, sometimes, and sometimes refuse. Once i knew she was not ill, hungry, or in an pain I did the cry it out method. I was at my wits end and I was exhaused she wasen't my only child so therefore I had to function the next day. She would sometimes be up three or four times a night. I don't know if your up for it because it is difficult to listen to but it does work. Good luck!!

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