He Is Officially 15 !!!!!! - Diberville,MS

Updated on June 07, 2011
L.B. asks from Metairie, LA
12 answers

My son's 15th birthday is today!! Finally, I can stop saying "almost" and "soon to be".
This morning I cooked him bacon and blueberry pancakes for brunch, then took him to his fav store - GameStop - to get his presents. And this afternoon he had two guy friends over, complete with pizza and soda.

It was a lovely day.

Actually, yesterday was lovely also - fishing in the morning, blueberry festival for lunch, and lazing around together in the afternoon.

Weird, two good days in a row. LOL

Tomorrow I am taking out for his birthday lunch. - maybe three good days in a row????

I just feel so blessed to be his mother. Despite the teen hormonal angst and probs that we have had in the past several months - I realize that he is the best thing that I have ever done.

So, to make this fit the rules...

What are your birthday traditions for your children?

God Bless

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answers from Washington DC on

YAY!!!! How great!!!

Birthday's are "king for the day" in my house....they get the breakfast they want and to chose dinner...lunch is usually at school for my 11 year old and for my 8 year old who will be 9 in 34 days, he gets breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!

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answers from Redding on

Happy Birthday to your son...(and to you).
My son will be 16 on the 28th of this month.
I don't know where the time has gone.
What we do for his birthday changes from year to year. It depends on what he thinks he'd like to do. He's tough because he's not really one to ask for anything. I always come up with something to make it special.

Your son is lucky to have a mom who adores him so much.
Have a lovely evening!

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answers from Albany on

Awww, I feel the same way! My boys are now 18 and 16, and my daughter is 14. And I swear they are the coolest kids ever!

Enjoy them! (next year you get to teach him to DRIVE YOUR CAR! More fun then potty training, sigh!)


(sorry no birthday traditions anymore, we just play it by ear)

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answers from Dallas on

Happy Birthday to your son! He sounds like a wonderful person. :) I love spending time with my boys, too. We don't have birthday traditions, but enjoy spending time with them on their special days just like you did. Enjoy your lunch tomorrow!

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answers from Las Vegas on

On my daughter's birthday she can pick what she wants to eat (in reasonable boundaries since she's 2 haha). This year I'm going to take her to a bouncy house place. Go out to eat at Denny's (she loves Denny's). Take her to the pool (she loves the aquatic center here) and it's indoor so it doesn't matter that her bday is in November haha. Maybe the next day we'll go play in the snow up north an hour :P

When she's older I plan to let her be "queen for a day" and let her choose the meals. And let her choose a fun place she wants to go to.
I agree with shane that when she's older it may change because she may want a slumber party, pool party, or whatever... I tend to "overdo" celebrations so she will be happy either way.

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answers from Dallas on

My baby turns 15 in september. I still get the knot in my throat when I think about it! Happy bday to your baby! Hug him tight!

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Washington DC on

My just turned 16 yo wanted Red Lobster. THey get to pick the restaurant, no fast food, no Chuck E Cheeses.
Her birthday was on a Friday and she brought brownies to her Core Classes, which are all the same kids for 4 classes.

My other two are homeschooled and get the day off, then they pick the restaurant. My daughter, 13 now, usually picks a steak joint. My son, 10, still likes the diners.

Happy birthday to your son. Another year and he gets his license. Are you ready for that? Mine has her permit.

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answers from Denver on

My baby turns 15 on Sunday. We'll be camping in the Colorado mountains while older sister is attending Girls State. (too far to take her, come home and then go back and get her in 5 days) Birthday girls gets to take a friend camping with us. Hopefully we can find some fun things to do while there. We've camped in the area the past two summers so have pretty much seen and done it all, but there are some beautiful 4-wheel drive roads. Happy Birthday to your son!

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answers from Santa Barbara on

I wish your son a very happy birthday and I'm so happy you are enjoying the time together. Only one more year to drive??? It is 16 years old here in CA with a permit six months prior...One of the most wonderful and scary days of my life when she got that license right after her birthday. My little sweetie graduates from high school on Thursday and turns 18 at the end of the month. I am such a softie that I can't look at her yearbook without getting emotional, I can't look at cards without getting choked up. She is such a wonderful, kind, generous and sweet young lady and I'm so excited about the next phase of her life.

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answers from Birmingham on

Happy Birthday to your son! He such a lucky young man to have a caring mom like you!
I have 2 small boys, ages 4 and 2. I started a tradition when my oldest turned 3. They get to choose whatever cake they want and I will make it for them...and I surprise them with it on their birthday morning. We have cake and milk for breakfast. He wanted an orange cake when he turned 3 so that is what he had. Last year he had a chocolate cake. It doesn't sound like much, but it is so special to see their sleepy smiling faces so excited about their very own cake in the glow of their birthday candles!
This all goes by too fast! Good luck and God bless!


answers from Dallas on

Happy Birthday to your son!!!

When our daughter turned 15 she signed up for Driver Ed classes to get her permit and required drive time in. In TX it is not taught in school, it is taught outside the school with a private company for $400 or so and it takes the year to get the required drive times in. She got her license at 16.

Our tradition is to have your favorite cake. We are not dessert eaters so I by the smallest cake I can because we each eat 1 small slice for the birthday person and the rest will spoil unless we have guests.


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