Getting My Tubes Tied - Panama City Beach,FL

Updated on March 15, 2015
T.M. asks from Panama City Beach, FL
26 answers

Hey moms, I'm a little confused about when is the best time to have my tubes tied. I am 40 yrs. old and due with my second child any day now and use midwives for delivery in the hospital. My husband and I are both in agreement to have my tubes tied. When asking the two midwives that I see, they both said that if I have my tubes tied right after delivery there is a greater chance of infection. If I wait 8 weeks, the risk of infection is so much lower. I was up for that until I talked to the doctor that will be doing the surgery. I asked him if I would have to be put to sleep for this surgery and he said I would if I wait 8 weeks, but if I have it done the day after delivery they can do a spinal. I do not want to be put to sleep because I have been put to sleep twice in my life for minor surgeries and I had a bad experience for months afterwards both times, not being able to wake up in the mornings for sometimes up to 4 hrs, I would dream that I was walking around falling asleep. When I finally did wake up sometimes at 11:00 or 12 noon, I would be so exhausted from trying to wake up and couldn't. I don't want to go through that again. Therefore I explained this to the doctor and he said that I should have it done the day after delivery if I want to avoid being put to sleep and he said there was not a greater chance of infection. Does anyone have any advice for me on this one?

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answers from Pensacola on

I had a friend who had her tubes tied right after delivery. She didn't have any problems, except a longer recovery from giving birth, but that is expected.




answers from Pensacola on

I had my tubes tied the day after my son was born. I was put to sleep and I did fine. My doctor never told me about any infections or anything like that. I think the way my doctor tied my tubes was he went into my belly button, there were no scares or anything like that. Only thing you will experience is abdominal cramping and that normally goes away maybe a week or two.



answers from Denver on

I cannot help you when it comes to getting a spinal, but I got a tubal done the day after having my child. I was not informed about any higher possibility of getting an infection if the tubal was done the day after compared to later. I was put to sleep and have not had side effects, but I know not everyone's body responds the same way. I have no objections to getting it done the day after having a baby. I recovered just fine and now feel normal 4 weeks later.

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answers from Jacksonville on

If you are really wanting to wait, I have a suggestion. Look in or ask you ob/gym about essure. It is an alternative to having your tubes tied. Cores are placed in your tubes and after about 3 months the growth will close the tubes and prevent pregancies. Most insurance recongize the procedure. I had the procedure 8 weeks after delivery and had it done in office with out having to be put under. I took the day off and if needed after the procedure hour and half I could have returned to work. Some pain was involved but nothing a nap and Tyenol 3 didn't help. This is always an option if you are not wanting anymore kids and don't want to be put under. Good luck and best wishes!



answers from Pensacola on

I saw at least one other mom who had the same thought as I did. Have you and your husband discussed a vasectomy?
It is a very simple and quick in office procedure to a man. Most have very little pain and little to no swelling or complications. It costs less too. They recover extremely quick.
After having your surgery, you will have to recover a bit before parenting without help. I had my tubes tied the same time as the c-section with my 4th child. Because I was already having surgery, I didn't have to schedule it in and that is what made it a viable option for me. If I had him vaginally, I would not have opted to get my tubes tied. I would have had my husband get himself "fixed". ;o) Think about it and discuss it. I hope you find something that works for you. And congrats on the upcoming arrival~



answers from Tallahassee on

Hi T.!
I had my tubes tied the day after my 4th child was born, and I definitely recommend to go ahead and do it while you're still in the hospital with the newborn. My son was a vaginal birth, and they put me to sleep for the surgery, but the surgery was at 10 am, and I was awake by 12 pm.
But recovery time afterward was better, because the newborn doesn't demand as much in the 2 weeks while your recovering.
Hope all goes well! Take care!
Also, I wanted to mention that it didn't even interrupt nursing. I always refused for my children to take a bottle while in the hospital so that I wouldn't have trouble nursing them. And I was able to go on right on schedule.



answers from Boca Raton on

Hi there - I am getting my tubes tied on October 31 (that is my scheduled c-section date). I have asked my OB along with my OB specialist and they have both said it is the best time to get a tubular when you are delivering - very little complications. and FYI - you can get an infection anytime that you are having surgery, so why would you want to wait 8 weeks to go through a surgery right after recovering from having a baby? I think it would make more sense (that is why I have elected to do this) to get it done right then and there....good luck to you and since your OB is the one that will be doing the surgery you should trust what he/she says and go with his suggestion.



answers from Daytona Beach on

Is your husband willing to have a vasectomy? We weighed all the options and just as you, my dr wouldn't do the tubes until after my six week check up. The vas is less painful and much cheaper. My husband is a minister and he preached the day after. That's just how easy it is. He was never swollen or anything. Just a thought if he's willing to think about it. We used Atlantic Urology.



answers from Fort Walton Beach on

I had mine done right after delivery and had no problems. I ended up being put to sleep only because I am very hard to numb and the doctor could not wait on the epidural to kick in. I had no problems and within a week was feeling fine. I did not have a C Section so they went in by my belly button and you can barely even see the scar. Like any surgery the worst part was being pumped with gas! It was a bit hard with a newborn - not being able to lift my 17 mos old at the time but I thought the better time to do it would be when I had help there with my DH home and my Mom there for the birth. Good luck with your decision.



answers from Jacksonville on

Hi T.,
I had my tubes tied after my second baby two years ago. The doctors never mentioned chance of infection to me. I did it the day of delivery since I had a c-section and they were already in there. But I had planned a vaginal delivery then having them done after delivery(long story)With the original plan they said if I didn't have the spinal they would do one and take me that day or the next, depending on the time and do the tubal. For time and expense sake, I would do it while you are already in the hospital. Who wants to go back and have outpatient surgery and have to take it easy for a week when you have two babies to care for. If you do it at delivery you have one recovery. My sister had her's done as outpatient and you still have to take it easy a few days to a week and have bleeding. If you have a vaginal delivery it is done labroscopy(hope I got that right) so it is a bandaid procedure. But with any medical procedure there are risks so do you homework.



answers from Jacksonville on

Funny that this was posted now. I was just at my OBGYNs and saw he is offering an alternative to this that might be a better option for you. It is less invasive and I think uses a local anes. Couldn't remember the name but when I googled the idea, Essure came up ( and its sounds much nicer than the old fashioned way. You could also give his office a call too. (Dr. C Wilson ###-###-####). I know they have literatire on it. It is too bad that your dr did not give you any other alternatives knowing why you were worried. When it comes to big steps like this it is always ok to get a 2nd op or extra information.



answers from Orlando on

I had twins via c-section 5 years ago & they tied my tubes while I was on the table & no infection. The risk to you is as minimal after a birth as any other time, at least during your delivery you have (I hope) already have the spinal in & they can do it right away. I had a friend who waited & hated that she did. She had to go back to the hospital 2 weeks after & it was yet another surgery & recovery. I would seriously do it at the time of birth. Get it all out of the way & only have 1 recovery instead of 2. Good luck & God bless your delivery of a healthy new baby.



answers from Miami on

I'm a doctor too and I've never heard that there was a higher risk of infection. I would follow your doctor's advice.

K. G.



answers from Pensacola on

I am a veteran of having my tubes tied. Not to scare you any, but they have been tied 3 times. Yep, they came aloose twice and the third time they stuck. (Thank-You,lucky stars!) I had my babies when I was much, much younger than yourself, in my 20's. I am just tickled pink that you are 40, fertile, healthy and doing the mother thing very well!!!(smile.) How wonderfully blessed you and your hubby are!

Having my tubes tied immediately after my deliveries worked best for me. All of the cost was taken care of at one time, and I did not have to submit myself to more crampiness, bleeding and discomfort by doing so. If you are serious about it, it may be better for you to go a head and get it all over with without subjecting yourself to having to go through more healing and the price tag. Now, I am 46 y/o. Back when I was having babies, tube-tieing immediately after birth was safe and infection free for me and many other women. With all that we have learned and know about infection and birthing procedures today, I am sure your risk must be the same as everything, there is always a risk somewhere, but today, if your mid-wives use the hospital and everything is Aseptic, you should have less chance of infection. I never had an infection from it, but I think that while your body is healing from having the baby and you wait the 8 weeks, you are subjecting yourself to an extended period for discomfort following. I would do it and get it over with at once. In all things, take the name of Jesus with you if you are a believer. I would take my Doctor's advice over that of a mid-wife on this issue, especially with your anesthesia hx. What does your hubby think?

T., I wish you and your hubby the very best and I am sending you my very best for a happy delivery and an infection free procedure!! Just dive in with both feet and go for it.

Good luck




answers from Boca Raton on

Maybe you can see if the doctor will be giving you antibiotics via IV while you are having the procedure and if you will be taking any after. I would strongly insist that you want to be treated prophylactically for any infection and do the procedure without being put under. It sounds like the risk of a bad reaction to being put to sleep out weighs the risk of possible infection, especially if you are given antibiotics. Good luck.



answers from Boca Raton on

The deal in our house was that if baby #2 was born via c-section, I'd have my tubes tied while they were already in there. Otherwise, my husband would be the one having the "Big V". Believe it or not, my OB/GYN actually told me that this was the best option. He even discussed it, as did our pediatrician, with my somewhat hesitant DH.
I had a 9 lb 5 oz (Baby 1, a girl in 2005) and an 8 lb 7 oz (Baby 2, a boy in 2007 ~ and he was even induced two weeks early so I could deliver smaller!)
I delivered both vaginally, therefore no surgery for me... DH is finally getting to having his surgery next week. (I should post about that experience later... LOL)
I agree with the other posts that family planning is BOTH partners' responsibility! (ie. childbirth and birthcontrol)
Best wishes with the second child and being a Mommy to 2.
PS I'm a 39 year old Mom of two children, 3 and 1, so I'm sure I can identify with being an "older Mom" and some of the issues you face.
T. B.



answers from Gainesville on

I have to agree with the doctor,I don't see why there should be any infection. Everything in the O.R. is sterile. Now I had a weird experience after my tubligation. for some reason because of the tiny fluid that was lost with the spinal tap, after the surgery I had the worst headache of my life. Every time I atempted to stand up for about two days,it was unreal. I am not a person who gets headaches regular, that headache was total madness. My head felt as if someone had a hatchet to my head splitting it in half. I will never forget that pain. The other weird thing that happened was during the surgery, I woke up. And the pain from the retracters holding my skin apart was extremely painful,but they put be back under right away. I hope I am not scaring you, just trying to give you some information.



answers from Orlando on

Hi T.:

I had my baby boy Oct. 6th via c-section and my doctor tied my tubes in surgery. It was what he suggested and I don't have any problems with infection. It was easy and I would definitely suggest doing it then, rather than going back 8 weeks later for another surgery.

Mom of 4 wonderful kids and a great husband.



answers from Orlando on

My doctor gave me a brochure on Essure, It's a non invasive way to "tie" your tubes. You'll have to read about it. I'm on the fence. It sounds great but it's fairly new. My doctor said the risk of infection is very low and he's encountered zero side affects or problems.



answers from Gainesville on

If you would like to take the least evasive procedure, there is one you can get on an outpatient basis that you may want to look into. It involves a stint (similar to those a heart patient may receive) being placed in your fallopian tube. The procedure (called Essure) only takes 35 min. and requires no cutting or punctures and you can resume normal activity the same day. For more information go to .



answers from Ocala on

i got mine tied right afterwards and it was just fine. and so has several friends i know and they all had theirs right after giving birth and they were all fine. everyone i know all get theirs done right afterwards. that is what i'd do. cause once you leave the hospital you are less likely not go back and get it done.



answers from Panama City on

I had mine done when my daughter was born. No problem at all. of course I had a c section so I was already numbed. and was already wide open. She was early by 7 weeks 4-10#



answers from San Diego on

Why are you having your tubes tied, anyway? Your husband should get a vasectomy! It is a major procedure for you to get your tubes tied, and a minor procedure for your husband to get a vasectomy. He shouldn't let you go through with this. Tell him to do it!



answers from Jacksonville on

I know 2 people that had their tubes tied when they delivered their babies and it went great. I would recommend it and I know most doctors do. It is a much easier process and can be done without a major surgery (ie even if you don't have a c-section).



answers from Albany on

I can't have surgery because I'm allergic to the anesthetic they have a hard time waking me up right after it takes him several hours so I had my blood tested and they said they would never do it on me again so you have every right it's to be afraid and if I were you I just see an allergist and see what your allergic to



answers from Tallahassee on

What is jumping off the page at me is that you're comparing a midwife's advice to a doctor's advice. That coupled with your previous experiences with anethesia makes me want to encourage you to follow the doctor's advice and do it right after having the baby. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you!!

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