Essure - San Antonio,TX

Updated on November 17, 2008
C.T. asks from San Antonio, TX
26 answers

I am looking into the Essure birth control option and I was wondering; well a little history on me first. I have 2 girls (9 and 7). I ALOMST bleed to death after baby 1 and baby 2 put way too much strain on my heart I was on a heart monitor for the last 4 months of pregnancy, and needed blood transfusions to stay alive after both deliveries. So I know I cant chance having any more babies. I need to be here for my girls. I have been on the depo shot for 7 years off and on, I use the shot because it stops my periods which last as long as 2 long months if I am not on BC. I dont want to keep taking the shot I want something permanent. SO I need any and all info you may have on Essure, periods and all. Please help.....or if you have any other permanent birth contol options I am all ears! Thanks

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answers from Houston on

Hi C.!

I am on the Mirena and have been for almost 6 months. It works great. My periods were much lighter and this last month I didn't even get a period. Mirena lasts for 5 years, then your doc takes it out and can put a replacement in at the same visit.

Hope this helps.


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answers from San Antonio on


I confess, I am confused by the majority of the responses you received (I'm also a "bit" confused by your specific question regarding Essure.) Does Essure specifically address the problem of excessive bleeding?

It seems to me that Kimberley is the ONLY responder that appropriately addressed the root cause of your health concerns - bleeding. A vaginally administered, partial hysterectomy seems like a SUPERB option. That process will not leave you with a scar, it will not eliminate your body's production of hormones (both "good" and "bad" news - see FYI below) and it WILL address the real source of your problem - excessive bleeding.

Fortunately I almost always had easy, perfectly regular periods. I very successfully used a copper IUD for birth control for 15+ years in my 1st marriage. In my late 40s, I went through a ~ 3-4 year phase of increasingly heavy periods, so I can relate to the physical affects of heavy bleeding and it is no fun! At least none of my periods ever extended past 7-10 days! If I had EVER had a period that lasted for two months, I would have RUN to the surgeon... especially since you have already made the decision that you cannot "risk" a future pregnancy. Why continue to deal with the menstrual cycles when they are the primary (or only) problem?

FYI: I am certainly not against vasectomy. My husband had one when he was quite young (long before we married) so I never had a birth control concern in this marriage (my 2nd.) However, I am now late perimenopausal and CANNOT WAIT to be done with the menstrual process for good! If it is possible for you to avoid hot flash phase by ditching the ovaries at a young age, then I would go for the full treatment. Talk to your doctor about that. Both my mother and my grandmother had full hysterectomies at about age 40, and they NEVER had a single hot flash (my mom had some sort of "very low dose" hormone replacement therapy, but my grandmother never took ANY form of hormones.) On the other hand, I am now 54 and the last 10 years has been AWFUL with regard to night sweats, melt-downs and all other forms of heat related discomfort. I can't even "snug like spoons" with my hubbie (something we both LOVE) for more than a couple of minutes before I set us both on fire! So, I am ALL FOR permanent solutions that address the real problem - if you have that option.

Wishing you the best success with a permanent medical solution!


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answers from Austin on

Yep, I'm with some of the other ladies when I say your husband needs to get snipped. It's an easy out patent procedure for him and it's not as dangerous as you getting pregnant or having a hysterectomy. If regular bc pills have worked for you as hormone control I say stay on them and have hubby step up to the plate to make sure you don't get pregnant. There's not enough time and research put into Essure to say it's safe and effective enough for you. You already know what works for your body when your not pregnant, why change that. If your husband is afraid of the procedure find another man for him to talk to thats had it done. That's the only way it will get through to him that it's not as bad as it sounds. Another man will tell him the truth in "man language" where a women telling him will only sound sadistic to him. Just make sure the man you talk to is someone you trust to not try to talk him out of it. He needs facts not another mans fears.

Good luck.

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answers from San Antonio on

If your health is an issue, perhaps it's time to speak to your OB/GYN about a partial hysterectomy? I underwent one when I was only 27 due to health issues. My OB removed my uterus vaginally (no scar) and left my ovaries in place. No hormones, no meds, no mood swings, no side effects. Nothing but no more bleeding and no more babies.
Something to think about.

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answers from Houston on

Wow, you have been through a lot. Thinking about being there for your children is good . Heart problems during pregnancy and delivery is a deadly situation. I'm a L&D RN and I have seen it happen. I would say stop thinking about birth control options and start thinking about sterilization options. Bilateral Tubal Ligations, Uterine ablations, or even hysterectomy. Talk to your OB/GYN for options that will keep your ovaries intact. I had to have a total abdominal hysterectomy after two Cesareans and years of continuous bleeding. I feel two-hundred percent better now. That might not work for you though. Good luck to you. I hope you do well.

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answers from Austin on

I had a tubal ligation after my 3rd child (at 42). It was done in France, so it was a band put on tubes, not cutting them. It was laparascopic, and relatively easy to get over. Of course the easier surgical procedure is done on the OTHER responsible party, a nice vasectomy. I recall the excuse for not doing that here was "well you've met your deductable this year and I haven't.

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answers from Houston on

I just had the surgery about 2 weeks ago. I had to take of things because my husband wouldn't. We had #4 almost 12 weeks ago. I haven't had any problems. I decided on this procedure because I couldn't take off of work any more time, because I stayed home for 12 weeks. I had the surgery on a Friday and went to work on Monday. I have to go back in 12 weeks to have an x-ray done to make sure that the surgery took. My doctor said that the rate of success is very high. I believe he said 97%. Anyway the procedure took only 13 minutes. I had hardly any bleeding afterwards. I just felt like I had cramps after the procedure. Tylenol took care of that. Hope this helps.

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answers from Killeen on

Hi, I used Implanon..It's an implant they put into your arm (tiny, about the size of a toothpick). While I had some complications with it (nausia, weight loss, and weakness) one thing it DID do was regulate my period..and I know two other girls who have it currently and are using it with much success. I only weigh 113 lbs and I think that's why I had such complications with it. So if you are, say, around 125 lbs then it should work wonders for you! Good luck!

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answers from San Antonio on

I don't know anything about Essure, but I had a tubal ligation after my 4th baby. I had the surgery in conjuction with a hernia repair, so it hurt more than it normally would have, but afterward you're really only out of comission for a week or so. And by out of commission I mean no heavy lifting or running around. You can function pretty well after the first couple days. Of course they give you pain meds too, but I didn't even need as many as they gave me. My husband also had a vasectomy. Would your husband do that? It's much less invasive than your surgery, and as long as he goes to get checked afterward it should be just as reliable. We did both just to make sure (I was on 3 different forms of birth control when I got pregnant with the last baby) we weren't taking any chances.

As for periods, mine are fairly normal. I had the tubal a few months after giving birth and I was still breastfeeding. I stopped breastfeeding about 4 months ago, so my periods are just now getting back to a rhythm. I have noticed that they seem a little heavier at the beginning but don't last as long. You may want to ask your doctor how a tubal could affect yours since they are different. Or birth control pills could help with your period. Hope some of this helped. Good luck making your choice!

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answers from Houston on

Personally, if it was me, I think I would elect to have a complete hystorectomy. My view on them is that after your done using them for reproductive reasons, take all the parts out. With such worry from the different types of cancer you can get in each part to dealing with monthly periods (especially the kind you have), I would just say take it out. I know you have to deal with hormone issues, but still, that could not possibly be any worse than a 2 month period or constant worry about getting pregnant. Bleeding for that long cannot possibly be healthy for your body. Seems like your system would get down and you would be more subsectible to germs going around.

My mom had a hystrectomy at 37, after 3 kids, when I was 11, due to heavy bleeding and pain. I remember her dealing with hot flashes and other hormone issues. But, she said it was the best decision she ever made. Even when getting over the surgery, she still felt better getting that part of her out. It had been making her sick for a long time.

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answers from Austin on

I'm pretty sure this is a permanent, birth control (another post thought it wasn't)and is non hormonal. Anyway, my doctor brought it up as an option when we were deciding on what to do. My biggest concern was that it just hasn't been out that many years. There are no studies on what side effects,if any, there could be 10+ years down the road. It made me think of people who had so many problems with the silicon (I think) breast implants. For a while, the thought was they were fine. Anyway, for me, the lack of history concerned me. Just my two cents.

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answers from Houston on

Your husband should have a vascectomy.

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answers from Houston on

I had my tubes tied (cut). The best thing I ever did.

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answers from Victoria on

I think having your tubes tied or hubby getting snipped would be the best option for you. If its a matter of life and death have your hubby get it done. So sorry you had a hard time with pregancys. I dont know anything about Essure. Hope you get your answers. Good luck.

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answers from El Paso on

I had the Essure procedure done 1 1/2 years ago. We have four kids and both agreed we didn't want more and especially didn't want a surprise baby. A vasectomy wasn't an option for my husband, so I started doing research into a tubal. I found Essure and it was THE BEST DECISION I MADE. Mine was done as an outpatient hospital procedure, although according to my research some doctors do the procedure in the office. I was VERY sore in the abdominal area the next day. It was bad enough that every movement to turn hurt. However, the pain went away within 24 hours and within 2 days I was back to my normal routine with no side effects. I continued on BC pills until the three month x-ray showed the scar tissue had formed. I no longer have to use any form of birth control and my periods have never been affected by the procedure. I would suggest doing online research. My doctor gave me information, but honestly I had all the information she had before I went in from the research I had done on my own. If you have other questions I would be happy to try to answer them.

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answers from San Antonio on

You need to talk to your OB/GYN. If you are not planning on having any more children, how do you feel about having a hysterectomy?

Good Luck.


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answers from San Angelo on

I, like a couple other posters, was wondering what your husband thinks about getting a vasectomy...You have been through enough. I personally don't think it's fair for the woman to always be responsible for the birth control of the couple. Have you talked to him about this? Or are you dead-set on you having something done?
Essure is pretty new and I really don't know much about it...but if I were you, I would talk to my husband about a vasectomy. (If he is "scared" to get it done, he shouldn't be. We have a couple friends who have had it done and they were back at work the next day...yes they were a bit sore for a day or two. But you gave birth to 2 children and were probably sore for weeks! I am sure he can handle a couple days of mild discomfort.) My husband and I have already decided that when we are done having kids, he is getting "snipped".
Good Luck with your decision.

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answers from Austin on

A friend got the Essure. She said she bleed heavily for about a week after the procedure and then off and on for about 2 weeks, she has a normal cycle now but it was not a comfortable procedure.

Its not permanent and since you have issue with bleeding I'm not sure its for you but I used the Paraguard IUD for years and loved it. Its non-hormonal, my periods were heavy each month but it worked great for me.

Your doctor would probably be able to talk to you more about your options since he/she has your medical history.

Good luck!

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answers from Houston on

Since both of your births have almost cost you your life. I would go for permanent sterilization. My tubes were tied at the birth of my second child, I had 2 c-sections, high risk as well.
I would discuss other options for controlling your cycle with your Dr. if you choose Bi-Lateral Tubligation. Or...... your husband can get the snip-snip! :)

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answers from Austin on

Really looks like you've paid your dues...for permanent birth control how about your husband taking his turn at the "fun" and get a vasectomy? My husband and several of our friends who are also DONE got "snipped" and it's safe, effective, and after we've done all the work with babies over the years, etc, it's just their turn! :)
Think about it. Talk to him about it. Have him talk to his doctor or guy friends about it (it's not at all a hush-hush subject these days, at least not with our group of friends!)

P. (three sons and no, we're not trying for a girl, we're done!) ;)

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answers from Sherman on

Have you thought about the Mirena IUD? It is fairly painless, but you will have some sort of spotting for a few days after insertion. It can be left in for up to 5 years and many women never have a period...I never did. Speak with your OB about it.

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answers from El Paso on

Have you thought about getting your tubes tied? This is the most effective and permanent birth control method there is. Also, you can talk to your Dr. about Norplant or Implanon. Both are rods inserted right below the skin in the upper arm and last for 5-10 years. You can also look into an IUD. (Intra uterine device) They have 2 types, one with hormones and one without. The one with hormones lasts 5 years, the one without, 10 years. Sorry, I don't know any info about Essure. Hope this helps. I bet your DR would have some info on it. Good luck!

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answers from San Antonio on

We were going to do this route as well. Make sure you read all the fine print before making any decision. We decided against it after reading the fine print. Doctors won't tell you what the fine print says.

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answers from Austin on

Honestly... If I was facing that kind of risk in the event of a surprise pregnancy, I would elect to get my tubes cut. The majority of birth control methods carry some failure rates, especially IUDs. Besides, why keep subjecting your body to all those man-made hormone chemicals? As you get older, they can exert adverse longterm effect on your bone density and skeletal health (especially progesterone based birth control methods). Couple a tubal ligation on you with a snip on your husband and be done with it.

POST EDIT: Thanks Laurie M., you right, I didn't realize it was permanent. There were other posts about IUDs, those threw me off. Here's a comparison chart between essure and a tubal:

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answers from Corpus Christi on

I was on the depo shot for 4 years straight and it caused osteoporosis. I have it in my spine and hips. Have you considered tying your tubes? Good luck and God bless.

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answers from Houston on

Is your husband against vasectomy? Mine didnt want one in the begining, however, after we weighed the pro's and cons of my using BC against him getting only made sense. Why should I be troubled with years of Dr's appoinments and prescription filling when all he has to do is take off a couple of days of work? I chose not to ever take another pill or have anything inserted again!!!! My body appreciates it!!

Good Luck,
Margaret :)

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