Elsa from Frozen

Updated on April 22, 2014
S.H. asks from Santa Barbara, CA
10 answers

I noticed most of the Frozen items are sold out. I am assuming there will be another shipment to the major stores (Walmart/Target) and I refuse to pay over retail on ebay and amazon. Does anyone know or have experience from past popular Disney princesses (or sold out items) if they get stocked during the Summer or before Halloween? I am hoping to get the Elsa doll (the one that sings and lights up looks neat) for my child for Christmas. It is not a huge deal if I am not able to get it, but it would be nice.

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So What Happened?

@Susan, I actually called Disney in Disneyland and they have a recorded message that they are sold out of Frozen merchandise. I was just in the area and was going to go to downtown disney, but after hearing the recorded message decided to avoid the hassle. My original plan was to give the doll for Easter.

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answers from Chicago on

They will be back--there are millions of dollars to be had by filling the demand. Disney's not one to leave money on the table.

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answers from Los Angeles on

They will make & ship plenty...but only after orchestrated "shortages" now and then.
Tale as old as time....

A company like Disney doesn't get caught "off guard" with regard to merchandising and we all know that China pumps out their plastic goods at record pace. It's all somewhere...out there...where dreams come true.. 😜

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answers from Cleveland on

They will be back. If not it'd be stupid on Disney and Mattels part.

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answers from San Diego on

I haven't read the other responses yet.
I can answer from our own experiences though. I am in the same boat as you are right now. I have 3 kids that are totally in love with that movie.
I asked at the Disney Store. They said they get shipments every single day. They have no idea what is going to be in them or if there will be any Frozen items in the shipment. They have people that are at the store, waiting before opening, every single day. Disneyland is the same way right now. On our last trip we hit every store looking for anything. We bought 2 crowns, an Anna and an Elsa, from one of the stores. She said they didn't have them the day before. They get boxes of dresses in and they are selling out within hours. I now go on the Disney Store's online page every day. The last time it was restocked things were selling out as fast as I was putting things in my cart. In the 2 minutes I put stuff in and went to check out a bunch of things were taken out of my cart because they were sold out. Out of 10 things only 4 were there when I checked out.
All the stores are like this. Everyone was caught by surprise by just how popular this movie is. No one expected it and no one expected the demand on products. I was told they are doing their best to catch up to demand. They are also trying to get ahead of the ebay scalpers (they are making me so mad!)
Rumors are around that Frozen may be re-released in time for Christmas buying, they didn't release the 3D version and it seems odd with the lack of bonus features on this release. They would of course push the merchandise for that.

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answers from Richland on

Apparently they share production lines with the other limited edition dolls. They will be back but not for some time. I would suggest monitoring it on a site like Amazon to see when the price starts dropping.

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answers from Austin on

I remember the days of chasing down Disney items.. Costumes, dolls, stuffed items..

I asked around with family friends and neighbors and asked them to let me know if they ever came across the items we were searching for.

It was amazing how many times, people called me and said, I am at the South Austin Disney store.. Or I am at the Round Rock Target. Many times, they purchased the items and I picked them up from the friend or family member and paid them back.

The Grandparents many times, insisted they were happy to just give it to our daughter, which was fine with me.

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answers from Atlanta on

They just had a restock. It sold out within hours. The rumor from the Disney store is that there will be another restock at the end of this month/beginning of next month. I'm sure they will sell out again. But on the plus side, the restocks are happening more and more frequently.

FYI: the elsas from Walmart/target play the melody of the song, but don't sing. I believe only the Elsa from the Disney store actually sings.

Also, there's a facebook page, Unfrozen trading friends, where the will let you know wen Disney restocks and also sell/find frozen merchandise at retail (not super inflated ebay prices).

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answers from Dallas on

You might also check the Disney store (on line or in person) to see what they have. Disney is a great marketer! I am sure they have plans for more shipments before Christmas! I don't know about your item specifically, but I am sure they will have plenty of merchandise to compliment the success of the movie Frozen.

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answers from New York on

I actually found two boxes of Frozen posters at Below 5. I bought one. Should have bought all and sold for $15 each.


answers from Lakeland on

Disney World seems to be very well stocked (I had family visiting last week). I found quite a few items that are selling for big bucks on eBay. Try the Disney store on line or if you are not far from Downtown Disney then take a ride and see what they have.

I noticed lots of Elsa (and Anna) dresses, wands, dolls, etc., but that was at a few different parks.

Good luck.

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