Does Anybody Have a Child with CAPD Cenral Auditory Processing Disorder

Updated on March 15, 2010
D.T. asks from Chattanooga, TN
4 answers

My , almost, 7yr old son was recently diagnosed with CAPD. It's a disorder in which the ears and brain basically don't corrdinate well. With therapy it can be reversed. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to help him at home if you have a child with this disorder.

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answers from Chicago on

I've had several students with it. PECs are helpful. Google it. Basically, it's making picture stories for him for daily routines. For eg. have a comic strip on the wall with pictures of what he does to get up and ready for school in the morning.

Pic. 1 outa bed.
Pic. 2 eat
Pic. 3 brush teeth...

and so forth. Pictures are great for that.

Does that answer your question or were you looking for something more specific?



answers from Pittsburgh on

Our admin asst at work has a freshman in college who was diagnosed way later than your son has been. She has learned techniques for coping and does very well. Just thought I'd offer a dose of encouragement. It's great it was Dx'd so early. Get him into all the therapy you can find! Good luck!



answers from Portland on

Hello D.,

I have CAPD, and I was never treated as a child. I learned about it when I was 28 & went to the doctor for a hearing test. My hearing was find, and when the doctor talked to me, he described my childhood in school, which turned out to be most of the symptoms of CAPD.

If you want to talk more, send me a private message throught Mama Source & I'll give you my e-mail address.

I will tell you, I stuggled a lot through elementary school, until I taught myself how to learn. I graduated High School & College with a 3.7 GPA, but it took work.

I wish you and your son the best of luck.

R. Magby



answers from Greensboro on

Hi D.,

I work with people that have varying degrees of neurological difficulty. CAPD would fall in that category. As my first step, I always recommend detoxing your home to remove any neurological toxins. This of course is not the answer to everything but removing chemicals from your home will allow the brain to work more like it is supposed to. The stimuli from bath and body products, laundry detergents, cleaning supplies as well as pesticides and preservatives in your food hinder the neurological system from working at it's optimum level. I believe that the coordination between the brain and the ears will improve and you will have a better picture as to how severe the problem really is.

God bless!


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