Updated on July 21, 2012
E.E. asks from Denver, CO
11 answers

I am not sure how to make this a question...

...all I can think to ask is, would you send prayers, positive thoughts, etc, our way?

Lots of people are donating blood here today. So much so that the donation centers have asked people to come back later.

I am grateful my boys are not old enough for a midnight movie to be a summer treat.

That's all I can think of to say...

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So What Happened?

thanks all...and to Kristina for the link

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answers from Redding on

I wish we could report scary people with some success. But usually cops wont investigate without some absolute proof first, this is how these things continue to happen.
This was a horrible thing to hear on the news this morning, I hated it.

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answers from Minneapolis on

our prayer and thoughts are with your entire community, which has already had one terrible tragedy befall it. and as hard as it may seem, everyone please remember to pray for his mother. i cannot imagine what she is going through. she knew her son was messed up, but in our society that is not enought to have someone committed. from personal experience, i know what its like to sit aside as a 'spectator' and watch someone you know to be told 'it's none of your business.' you can scream, yell, threaten, and stamp your foot, and it falls on deaf ears until there is solid 'proof' the person is a danger. let's all hope and pray this can lead to positive change on how getting treatments to the people who need them in a dignified yet effective manner. if there weren't such a social stigma on mental illness, i truely believe more people would seek treatment.

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answers from Austin on

My son was in Denver with Americorps NCCC of the people he knew lives in Aurora, posted that she had planned to go to that movie last night..... for some reason, she decided not to go...


My heart goes out to all the families involved....

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answers from Houston on

Wow I am so saddened by this. Just totally heartbreaking, I will be praying for sure.... I was getting in touch with my Colorado friends the second I heard...hang in there...

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answers from Dallas on

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Yes, I am sending prayers for all involved and their families, God bless ღ

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answers from Dallas on

I am not a 'prayer', but I have cried over the events in your area. What I would add....the mother knew that they had the right person. If you feel that someone is dangerous, please report them. I'd rather be wrong than avoid the issue.
Positive thoughts your way....all the way.

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answers from Houston on

How horrible! Sometimes, human nature is so wicked you just can't wrap your mind around what someone has done. There is truly evil, vile people in this world and not matter what you do you cannot totally protect yourselves from them.

Thoughts and prayers go to all the families of those injured and killed.

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answers from Pocatello on

I know CO has been flooded with prayers since yesterday. I have seen and read and heard about them on FB. I hope you all are recieving them and feeling them. I am sure they will continue to be sent your way for a while yet to come.

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answers from Denver on

my friends brother was going to go to that screening of the movie in that theatre and changed his mind at the last minute. He could have been one of the ones shot. Scary stuff. My thoughts and prayers are definitley with those families affected.

what pisses me off is the smirk in his mugshot. Obviously no remorse I hope he rots.

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