
Updated on March 01, 2010
R.R. asks from Fort Worth, TX
5 answers

I have asked this question in the past, but computer problems have deleted anything I saved on about it. We are looking for a church to attend. But we have a couple of requirements. Our oldest (7) has high functioning Autism, so we would need a church that has a great program that can work with him. A good childrens program anyway because we have a 5yo as well. And also, not too big. My husband grew up in a very very small town in south TX and big congregations make him uncomfortable. This is a big thing for him to want to attend church with us, and I want him to feel comfortable as much as the rest of us. Any help is very appreciated!

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answers from Dallas on

We attend Joshua Baptist Church and we love it! Check out their website - I think its . . . Good luck and God Bless!!



answers from Dallas on

We attend eagles view church in Saginaw It is relatively small and I personally of 3 families with autistic / special needs children that have been there quite a while.
Good luck I know it is so great with husbands want to go too!



answers from Dallas on

If you will just click on My Questions you can read the answers from your October question.



answers from Dallas on

Not sure where you are located but I'd recommend our church, we are small congregation and we have a couple of children with a variety of disabilities and we all work very hard to integrate and actively encourage them to participate. For the most part with are fairly relaxed atmosphere, but we have solid biblical teaching. Praying you find the right church home for your familiy. -J. White Rock Harvest Church in Cedar Hill, TX



answers from Dallas on

Our daughter also has special needs and does very well at our church. When you meet the children's coordinator, Diana Parker, you will understand why. If you explain the situation about your son and things that are important to remember, they do a great job to accommodate. We even have some kids who have "buddies" to hang out with kiddos that need extra help. We have a wonderful children's program. Kindergarten and under are in CreationLand and 1st through 6th are in 121Kids. Our church was designed to be a comfortable place for men especially because statistics say if you can get the husband to church, the family will follow. We are a medium sized church. The 2nd service is generally packed and the 1st and 3rd are almost full, so they might be a better choice if you don't want it to be too big. Our service times are 9AM, 10:30AM and 12:00PM. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Here is the website for our church: We have been at out church for 9 years and absolutely love it!

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