Bread Machines

Updated on December 09, 2011
K.R. asks from Denver, CO
13 answers

Does anyone here make their own bread using a bread machine. Is it easy? What goes into it? I'm thinking of getting one, just don't want it to end up sitting somewhere and never used.

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Thanks ladies....looks like I'll give it a try!

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answers from Seattle on

Love them. They are so quick and easy, all you do is throw the ingredients into the machine and it does all the rest for you. Most of them also come with a bread book that has recipes and instructions for you.

Nothing like the smell of warm homemade bread that you didnt even have to slave over!

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answers from San Francisco on

Ohhh...your post has reminded me to get crackin' on replacing my broken bread machine. We got it 15 years ago as a wedding gift and used it ALL the time but the motor went out last year. A bread machine is super simple. It was wonderful to turn it on early in the morning and set the timer for exactly when we wanted it done. Ooooohhh the smell of homemade bread when you walk in after church or a long day away from home is just plain delicious!!

We had a West Bend brand machine. I kept all ingredients on hand and used a recipe from the machine's recipe book that came in the box. It was super simple. I will find my recipe and Pm you sometime. I just remember one big tip I learned was putting a pat of the butter at the top of the ingredients in each of the four corners. It helped to make it bake evenly and slide right out of the pan afterward.

It is super duper simple. My recipe called just for water,butter,salt,bread flour, powdered milk and yeast. I tried various recipes but my standard,fall back recipe was my favorite. Sooo light and moist and delicious.

Good luck and best wishes. I vote to buy one!!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

funny my very first question on here was about my lack in ability to make hand made bread. EVERY one suggested a bread machine. Wouldnt you know it I RAN out and bought one. 65 bucks, Oster 2lb machine. Beautiful little thing. It makes pre-boxed breads, and ones that you put together as well. It comes with a manual and instructions and in the instructions they have several really good recipes for yummy bread, however the wheat one doesnt really turn out that well I use one off the internet that is better. I make bread almost daily. My kids love the hot fresh stuff and my husband loves it with just some butter any time. Usually fairly quick. I just get all dry ingredients the night before ready, have the water in the pan. When I wake up at 5 for my toddlers feeding I throw in the dry stuff, and by 7 ish its done. YUM. and the house smells like I am a master baker.

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answers from Detroit on

It takes bread flour, yeast, powdered milk, sugar and usually butter or some type of fat/oil. My favorite is honey, oatmeal bread I ad raisens and then ice it. It is very easy just put the ingredients in the pan as directed in your recipe book and set it and it does the rest. I make Rye bread, pumpernickle, wheat and more. I also like to make pizza dough and rolls in it too. I have gone through 3 in 18 years. We especially love the crunchy crust. Mine has a timer so I can put it in the machine and it will be ready when I want it. I love it.

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answers from Denver on

I had one and used it all the time for a while. I prefer making my own, though. it's lighter and yummier. The bread machine makes heavy bread. I never tried anything other than with whole wheat in it, and it was always good. There are better recipes online than in most of the recipe books by my experience. Also, I think the bread would be better in one that makes traditional loaves rather than tall loaves. You don't have to spend a lot of money on one. Usually someone on either SantaSwap or Freecycle has one if you ask.

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answers from Louisville on

We do (almost exclusively; we only buy bread in a pinch). It's super easy. If you don't like tinkering with recipes, there are tons of mixes out there, and most machines come with a cookbook as well.

We've been using one since we were newly weds (we got one from my mother-in-law as a gift). Our first machine was used at least 3 times a week for almost eleven years before recently kicking the bucket. We bought a barely used identical model on ebay for under $40, and we are back to making homemade bread again.

Feel free to PM if you have specific questions or want recommendations on brands etc.. I don't to overload you with a lengthy response to a simple question. :D

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answers from Columbus on

We used to use ours weekly or bi-weekly. However, we have stopped because our one dog has developed an odd noise phobia relating to it (and has moved on to include fear of the dishwasher, vaccuum, and fans, poor critter). But when we used ours (for about 5 years), it was awesome & super easy. You can also google "bread machine reviews" to find out the different brands and what others think of them. I honestly don't remember what we have now; a friend gave us theirs because they never used it.

Make your own bread is WAYYYY cheaper and healthier than buying store-bought bread. My fav is to take a basic white bread recipe, sub out 1/2 the reg. flour for whole wheat, add 1 T wheat gluten, and use good quality olive oil for the fat in the recipe, and add 2 extra tablespoons, and then to add 2 T or up to 1/4 cup crushed rosemary..... Awesome & addictive.



answers from Denver on

HI K. as a High Altitude food specialist I get many many emails and calls on bread machines. Therefore know that bread machine recipes work great but some of your own recipes may turn out as you expect! Personally and Pro I suggest not wasting your time or money----but the choice IS yours!



answers from Austin on

very simple. MIL taught me & we didn't have any arguments. lol

She swears by the Panasonic because the yeast is in separate compartment until needed, so it turns out better. Not sure what other brand she had used but it didn't work as well.

Everyone loves the fresh bread. You can also make herbed bread, poppy seed bread, well as use the dough for pizza or coffee cake



answers from Great Falls on

I love mixing the dough in my bread machine on the dough cycle. At the end of the cycle, I dump it out, knead it, and put it in a regular bread pan to rise. I bake it when ready. This results in bread that tastes and looks totally homemade! I don't like the texture, size, or crust on bread that's been baked in a machine.



answers from Missoula on

Don't be afraid to spend more money on a good one. The one I have does not mix well so you end up with some dry flakey stuff on the bottom. Mine is probably around 15 years old so maybe they are better now, but I have not used it much because it just isn't as good as fresh homemade bread.



answers from Denver on

I love my bread machine, I have a Breadman. Also here are some tricks, if you use milk instead of water the crust is softer, also when your bread comes out of the machine wrap it in a damp towel that also helps soften the crust. That was my only complaint against bread machines is the hard crust on them, but these tricks have helped . Now I use my bread machine all the time and make all sorts of things in it. They are super easy to use.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I make my own bread mixes. I put all of the dry ingredients into a plastic zipper bag and write the other ingredients and instructions on the outside with a sharpie. Takes less than 5 minutes to start bread!

(I usually make 3-5 mixes at a time and reuse the zipper bags--so I only have to write it when a bag gets too old/broken.)

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