Bread - Columbus,OH

Updated on August 20, 2010
J.G. asks from Columbus, OH
7 answers

I am looking for a good homemade bread recipe, preferably one that uses White Whole Wheat flour. I want to use it for sandwiches and making french toast, so I like a nice firm bread. I have been purchasing some from Whole Foods from a local bakery, but its $4.60 a loaf! I'm willing to bake it in the oven, but I also have a bread machine. Please share it with me if you have one!

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answers from Honolulu on

Do a Google Search on "white whole wheat bread recipes."

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Toledo on

I have a recipe that my family loves. It's from Eating Well magazine (Jan/Feb 2009 issue), but I found it using a web search. I usually mix it in the evening and let it rise overnight (requires 12-18 hour rise), then bake it the next morning/day. Find it at:

Good luck! Homemade bread is THE best!



answers from Mansfield on is a great place for bread recipes. my husband loves to bake. he also uses a bread machine in addition to baking in the oven. :)



answers from Cleveland on

go to they have a lot of recipes and instructions.



answers from Cleveland on

Hi J.,

I have not used white whole wheat flour; I think the last flour I bought from our (now closed) local health food store was from "hard white winter wheat" (they would grind it into flour for 50 cents--I miss them :-( )

Look at the Tightwad Gazette books by Amy Dacyzyn for her recipe for Cuban Bread. It is very easy and comes out nice.

Also, look in the La Leche League's cookbook "Whole Foods for the Whole Family" for the One-Hour Dinner Bread recipe. While it always takes me a little longer than one hour, it is still pretty quick.

I haven't been eating much bread lately (I suspect a gluten sensitivity) and I have lost the Cuban Bread recipe. If you don't have a LLL cookbook close by, PM me and I will write it out for you.

Have fun!

K. Z.



answers from Saginaw on

Do you mean whole 'white' wheat (it's a variety) or that powdered, pretending to be high-in-fibre dodge Wonder is selling as 'whole wheat'? The latter is not actually high-fibre, because the bran has been reduced to such a fine powder that it is effectively a simple sugar.

White wheat flour is hard to make bread with as it's too low in gluten, so gluten has to be added. It's really more like pasty flour --it's a 'soft' not 'hard' wheat variety. To make bread with it, just use any bread recipe and replace 1/4c of each cup of flour with gluten (you can buy it at bulk stores or order it online).

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