Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Seventh Generation

Results 21-30 from 89 articles

Best Perfume Free / Dye Free Laundry Detergent

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

I am extremely sensitive to laundry detergent. my legs get dry and scaly and irritated and itchy with most detergents or soaps. we used dreft for a long time, then tr...


Seeking Advice on Treating Excema for Toddler

K. asks from Denver

My son has had excema since he was a baby and he is now 32 months and still has some very bad flare-ups which he'll scratch and make into open sores. Then when I use...


Diaper Advice

J.L. asks from New York

I'd like to hear your thoughts on good overnight diapers. It seems that every morning my son wakes up with wet clothes and bedding. Sometimes he is so soaked he wakes...


"Green Living" Products Questions

S.S. asks from Sioux Falls

Ok so my question is related to various health, skin & cleaning products, for the last 10 yrs. I have been a Quixtar IBO souly for the discount purpose & the fact tha...


Looking for Sensitive Skin Friendly Laundry Detergent for My Kids

K.K. asks from New York

Hi everyone. I have a 4 year old daughter and 17 month old son and they have sensitive skin and eczema. They get treated with hydrocortisone and steroid creams and it...


Severe Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection in Toddler That Won't Go Away!

C.M. asks from Owensboro

Hi everyone, This request is my desperate attempt to find some help! My 19-month-old daughter has had a constant diaper rash of varying degrees since we switched...


Unscented Training Pants

L.V. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I've bought Sam's Club diapers for my daughter, but we're slowly starting potty training and Sam's doesn't make their own training pants anymore (per a fe...


Eczema Issues

A.A. asks from Minneapolis

My 2 year old gets eczema on his legs and recently, since he's been wearing sandals it's really bad by his ankles. His pediatrician thought maybe he was having a reac...


Allergic to Disposable Diapers?

J.F. asks from Minneapolis

Our daughter has broken out about 6 times in the past 8 months with severe welts. This started when she was in cloth diapers and then later in disposable diapers. W...


What Are the Best Diapers/pull-ups to Wear at Night?

B.C. asks from Dallas

Hi all....I am in the middle of trying to potty train my 26 month old daughter. However, she wears Huggies Pull-Ups during the day and at night. But here lately she w...