Infant: Alimentum

Results 111-120 from 862 articles

Should I Give Prevacid or Zantac to My 5 Mos. Old Baby with Reflux?

O.G. asks from New York

My 5 month old baby girl was diagnosed with reflux several weeks after her birth. Her pediatrician prescribed 15 mg of prevacid a day. I have noticed improvement wi...


Colicky 8 Month Old - Sleep Deprived Mommy & Baby

L.K. asks from Chicago

My 8 month old has been colicky since I brought him home. Reading Weisbluth he is the classic "extreme colic" baby by every definition which I guess is 4 out of 100 b...


Need Help with Baby Eczema- Does Hypoallegenic Formula Help?

R.R. asks from San Francisco

My 4 month old son has eczema all over his arms, legs and cheeks He's got these big red splotches all over and doesn't seem to be going away. The doctor said to try ...


Baby Acne

A.A. asks from Jackson

I have a 3wk old son with baby acne....How long does this last and is there anything I can do to help it go away. I've been washing his face everyday with just a cot...


Allergies on a 9 Month Old Baby Boy Etc....

M.W. asks from Chicago

So i have a baby boy as some of you already know... H ea has been struggling for now 4 months with excsema on his face and back got some prescribed lotion from his pe...


Baby Food

A.B. asks from Tulsa

my daughter is almost 9 weeks old, i already feed her cereal in her bottle with her formula to thicken it so she doesn't spit up as much (doctors orders). when is it ...


Baby Eczema

M.Y. asks from Denver

I am looking for a remedy for baby eczema. I have a 3 1/2 month girl. She constantly has this on her face. She has it on her arms, legs, and belly area. I have used ...


4 Month Old Baby Please Share Any Information THANK YOU!

G.S. asks from Atlanta

Hello. I wanted to reach out and get any advise or shared similar situations as ours. My son has just turned 4mnths and is 50% on the charts. (side info: 1st time ...


Fussy Baby

A.P. asks from Las Vegas

My baby is 1 month and 2 weeks she sleeps good at night but during the day she seems uncomfortable if i put her on her glider swing or bed, she wants to be held all t...


Allergy to Cow's Milk in Infant

N.K. asks from Albuquerque

My 4.5 month old son had blood in his stool and the doctor thinks that it is probably due to an allergy to cow's milk. He is exclusively breast feeding, so I have el...