Toddler: Cosco Alpha Omega

Results 101-110 from 143 articles

New Car Seat

M.B. asks from San Francisco

My son is just about to outgrow his first car seat. I would like to buy a new seat that he can use for awhile. One that I can use rear facing until he turns one and t...


Car Seats

J.K. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 8 months old and growing out of her infant car seat/carrier. We have no idea what to choose for her next. Of course, safety is our number one concern....


Car Seat Dilemma

L.P. asks from Albuquerque

My son is almost 11 months and is about to grow out of his infant car seat. I would love some recommendations of what kind of convertible car seat to get now. Howev...


Car Seat

N.M. asks from Omaha

My daughter is getting close to out growing her infant carrier. I was wondering what brand/style of car seat to get next. I am not wanting to spend a lot of money b...


Convertible Car Seat

K.F. asks from Phoenix

Hi Everyone, My daughter is approaching 20 pounds and we are looking for a convertible car seat that we can still use rear facing until after she is a year old and ...


Convertible Car Seat

A.C. asks from Kansas City

My 4 1/2 month old son will soon be needing a convertible car seat. He is now 19lbs. 6 oz. and is 27 inches. Our infant car seat goes up to 22 lbs. and 30 in. I ha...


What Age Do Children Start Facing Front in Their Carseats?

K.S. asks from Minneapolis

I have become extremely dependent on the carseat mirror my husband installed when our daughter was just an infant. I used to be able to look into the rearview mirror...


Swithcing from 5 Point Harness to Seat Belt Booster

P.G. asks from Dallas

My son is 3.5 and we've still been using the carseat with the kid-harness belt instead of the car seat belt. He seems fine with it and it still fits, though the openi...


Recommendation for the Next Car Seat

T. asks from Chicago

My daughter is just shy of six months and I’m guessing that she’ll be longer than 29” at her 6 month check-up next week. My infant car seat goes up to 22 lbs a...


Carseat for TALL 2Yo

M.D. asks from Minneapolis

Im just wondering how to know when Im supposed to get a different carseat for my really tall 2yo daughter. The one she's in now is one of those that the backrest com...