Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Playtex

84 articles

Breastfeeding Problems

M.D. asks from New York

Hi, I have a 6 1/2 month old baby who is not to crazy about breastfeeding and I really want her to breastfeed more than to have formula. On top of the fact that I th...


Breastfeeding Advice

S.H. asks from Louisville

So I'm 6 1/2 months pregnant with a baby girl and I plan on trying to exclusively breastfeed her at least for the first couple of months. I was wondering what are the...


Reflux, Sleeping W/3 Week Old

B.S. asks from Scranton

My little guy has been fussy, spits up, crying a lot and very gassy since he was born. At our 10 day check up with the Pedi he suggested that perhaps my little guy h...


A Few Breastfeeding Questions

A.S. asks from Montgomery

Hi Mommies, I am expecting my first baby in June and I plan on breastfeeding, but had a couple of questions first. I come from a family of formula feeders and so ...