Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Aquaphor

Results 71-80 from 200 articles

Seeking Help with Eczema

J.Z. asks from Chicago

I have two children ages 1 and 2 that I believe have eczema. My daughter had it when she was a new born, but has gone away for almost two years until just a couple o...


Eczema Support

K.S. asks from Phoenix

My 3 year old son has eczema since he was 6 months. It shows up mostly on his foot and the back of his leg. We have had allergy tests done and he is not allergic...


One Year Old with Sensitve skin--How to Make Your Own Wipes!?

J.W. asks from Wichita

My One year old boy is having a tough time with eczema. This is something he has inherited from me. He's getting in his one year molars and having some diarrhea and...



K.N. asks from Boston

Hi moms, i was wondering if you had any solutions for eczema for toddler. My son haseczema and we use aveeno and hydropertliteum recommended by pediatrician and also...


Itchy Skin

K.B. asks from Chicago

Hi! I feel as if I have hit a brick wall and sometimes feel as if I am nuts. I have been going around and around with our pediatricians regarding my 1 year o...


Help with Bad Diaper Rash...

B.K. asks from Philadelphia

This question may have been posted before, but is there any home remedy for really bad diaper rash? My 2 year old is getting over a stomach virus and has some leftove...


At Home Daycare, Mom Always Comes Late Smells like Liquor. What Should I Do?

J.C. asks from Stockton

I'm a stay at home mom, and recently started caring for an 18 month old girl. The parents moved in to the house next door. They approached me to babysit and I figure...


Best Lotion for Dry Skin

A.L. asks from Cleveland

Does anyone know of a really good lotion for dry skin for kids? Both my daughter and son are experiencing the effects of "winter skin"; I've tried bathing them in oa...


Diaper Rash

C.G. asks from Cincinnati

My 2 month old son is experiencing diaper rash that just won't go away. I've been using A&D which worked well with my daughter, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I...


Desperate Seeking Eczema Relief for My Child!

B.B. asks from Muncie

My almost 6 year old has been suffering from eczema for about 4 years now. Nothing seems to calm her itch. We have tried numerous and I do mean numerous products and ...