Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Claritin

Results 11-20 from 42 articles

Toddler with Seasonal Allergies

J.K. asks from Philadelphia

My 19 month old is suffering from seasonal allergies. The pollen has been pretty bad in Delaware lately and he is an absolute miserable mess. We tried Benadryl but...


Son Diagnosed with Eczema

S.D. asks from Gainesville

My son was just recently diagnosed with eczema. He had a rash for 4 weeks and his doctor could not figure out the cause. The rash is really fine and over his entire b...


Son Wanting a Kitten/cat Extended Family Is Allergic

S.C. asks from Detroit

So, My son really wants a cat (we have tried asking him about a dog and he DOES NOT want one) there is a few concerns on my part..My sister (who visits maybe twice a...


Smoke Smell

B.V. asks from Kansas City

I have family members who visit a couple times a year that smoke alot. We do not and the smell is very irritating to me and our daughter since we have allergies. It...


Desperate Seeking Eczema Relief for My Child!

B.B. asks from Muncie

My almost 6 year old has been suffering from eczema for about 4 years now. Nothing seems to calm her itch. We have tried numerous and I do mean numerous products and ...


Should Teachers in Primary Help Children Wipe Nose?

E.M. asks from Lewiston

Hi Mamas, So, My son is 5. This is his first year at school, and he has been sooo sick all the time. I mean, nothing too serious, just picking up everything that ...


Questions on My Allergies and Nursing

M.E. asks from Salt Lake City

I am nursing my 5 month old twins, but my allergies are starting to go crazy. When I nursed my older daughter I took Sudafed my milk decreased. I would like to nurse...


Terrible Ezcema

S.K. asks from Chicago

My 4 year old daughter has bad ezcema but is in a study at Children's through which we get great medication that helps with her skin. My two year old son also has hor...


Seeking Advice/suggestions on Excema

M.O. asks from Chicago

My soon to be 6month old daughter has developed a itchy rash to face, head, neck, and back. Splotchy along with small red raised bumps. Our pediatrician says it cou...


Cat Allergy Issues

D.B. asks from Cleveland

Our daughter and son-in-law just got a terrific deal on a beautiful home that is 5 minutes from where they both work, a definite plus. Only drawback is the previous ...