Pregnancy: Toddler, Snugli

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10 answers

Double Stroller vs Snugli Type Carrier

I am due to have my 4th child on July 3rd and am trying to figure out what form of "transportation" I want to use for the mall or park or walks etc. My youngest is going to be 22 months when this baby is born. I would like to know everyones opinions on which is better - using a Graco front to back double stroller (it would need to accomodate my Graco Snug Ride car seat) or putting the baby in a front style carrier and putting "big" sister in the stroller. My concern with having my 22 mo old walk is that she has hit this phase of wanting...

Pregnancy Tests

35 answers

Do You Believe In...

Do you believe in 'God will never give you more than you can handle"? I just wonder how others cope or how they handle their outlook on life. I know myself that I've come to terms with that belief. Giving the fact that i feel I'm a strong woman and have the capablility to deal with a situations and try to look at it as thought it was 'meant to be' or if it 'wasn't meant to be'.. I'm going to be 30 yrs old in May. I have 3 beautiful healthy children, but I also had a miscarriage and 2 stillbirths at 25 weeks that my husband and I went thru...