In the Womb: BOB

Results 31-40 from 139 articles

Help! Anyone Love Thier Stroller? How Do You Pick?

D.P. asks from San Francisco

And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...


Need Marriage Advice (Possible TMI)

M.W. asks from Dallas

Okay Mamas I need some help. My husband and I have a 6 month old boy who is the light of our life. We have been married since May 2009 and been together since Decembe...


Shopping for a Good Double Stroller

A.M. asks from New York

Hello! I have a 26 month old and am 35 weeks pregnant, eagerly awaiting the birth of my 2nd son. I've been shopping around for a double stroller and haven't found o...


Double Jogging Stroller Question!!

L.F. asks from Charlotte

I started watching a little girl about a month ago. I myself have a 1 1/2 year old. I bought an Instep double jogging stroller on E-bay last week so that I could ta...


Lice Issue

L.L. asks from Houston

The school called to let my son know that his 4 year old has head lice. We were mortified!!! Where did she get them, how could this happen - etc. When we calmed down ...


How Much Tv Do You Really Let Your 2 Year Olds Watch

M.Z. asks from Austin

I wanted to find out how much all you really let your 2 year olds watch tv each day? Mine seems addicted to it some days, especially when she is tired? Some days it i...


Question for Moms with Long Hair

K.O. asks from Columbus

Hey there Moms...Ever since getting pregnant over two years ago, my hair has grown a ton. I haven't cut it since I was pregnant with my 22 month old dd. Anyway, I w...


Best Way to Lose Weight

B.W. asks from Los Angeles

I just recently had a baby girl and gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy. But I was wondering what would be the best way to lose weight.


Double Stroller Reviews

E.M. asks from Detroit

Ladies, I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and have a 2.5 yr old. I am looking into a double stroller and would like to hear what ones you recommend and why. Thanks!


Double Stroller

B.B. asks from Sacramento

I am about to have another baby and I am looking into double strollers. My babies will be 18 months apart. I would like a stroller that I can snap a carrier into. ...