In the Womb: BOB

Results 41-50 from 139 articles

Which Stroller to Buy

C.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I am looking to buy a new stroller and car seat for our baby due in November. My son will be almost 3 when this new baby arrives and I am wondering if I should buy a...


Cat Acting Naughty

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hello! I am due a month from today with baby #1. We have had our cat for almost 3 years now, right before we got married. We got her from the Humane Society and she h...


Moms Who Had Colicky Babies...

M.R. asks from Chicago

I need to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. How long did your baby's colicky period last? My baby is 6 weeks old, has his happy days and his unha...


Double Stroller

A.V. asks from Missoula

Hi, moms! We are expecting baby #2 in August & are in the market for the dreaded "double stroller". The kids will be 2 years apart when this one arrives, so I'd lov...



B.B. asks from Los Angeles

I hear alot from people who don't want to vaccinate......I would like to hear from people that do!! My baby will be going to her 1 year visit on Monday and I need ...


I Think I Am Making Something Out of Nothing but Still Need to Vent.

K.R. asks from Houston

Ok ladies, here goes. My MIL - I love her. She is the sweetest person on the planet- and would do anything for us. They moved here a couple of years ago- before the...


Husband Moving Out

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My husband is moving out today. We have had a rocky marriage due to a fast marriage and babies, miscarriage, infertility, and me not knowing I have been suffering fr...


Double Jogging Stroller

K.B. asks from Chicago

Hi I have been researching double jogging strollers and I have no idea which one to purchase. I like the baby trend double w/swivel wheel and aslo the Dreamer Design...


Anyone Have Experience with Having a Child Repeat 1St Grade?

M.G. asks from Fort Collins

My son has an August birthday and just barely made the cut-off to enter kindergarten last year. He seemed ready so we sent him, knowing he was going to be the younges...


Need Third Party Input on Marital Issue

L.J. asks from Denver

First of all, let me say that I plan on letting my husband read this and all of the responses I get. For this reason, I ask you to keep your responses non-inflammato...