In the Womb: BOB

Results 11-20 from 139 articles

When to Tell My Sister Her Ex Is Getting Married and Having a Baby

E.W. asks from New York

Ok, so my sister and her ex were divorced about 8 months ago, but were separated for about 6 months prior. This was 100% my sisters choice and fault. Her ex is and wa...


Requests Not to Name My Baby *Blank*. Weird?

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

Ok so in about 16 weeks I will be having a baby girl. At first I like the name Charlotte (it is the name of my great-aunt who died last year.) But my cousin said that...


Baby's Position Throughout Pregnancy?

L.B. asks from Denver

So, this maybe a silly question because I do understand down the road that there isnt much room to move around. But, I'm 22 weeks and I was just curious as to what si...


Seeking Other Moms' Experience with 6-7 Week Old Baby

A.L. asks from New York

Hello. I am a mother of a 7 week old baby girl. She is absolutely a blessing. I am writing because I really don't have many friends who are mothers and so I don't ...


Need Advice on Double Strollers

S.B. asks from Philadelphia

I have a 13 month old son and am almost 7 months pregnant. I'm looking for some advice on double strollers. I've looked at Phil & Ted's, the BOB, and just saw the Bu...


Baby Name Stealing Conundrum - How to Handle

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

I'm due later this year and my husband and I have finally decided on a name. Problem - it's the name that one of my friends (who is not yet pregnant) has declared is...


Having a Baby Ruined My Relationship with My MIL. How Can I Fix It?

M.V. asks from New Orleans

.sorry I deleted the question because it was crazy long and I made it too hard to read. I was getting the feeling from some comments that it was frustrating some read...


The Worst Pregnancy Comment EVER!

K.C. asks from Cleveland

I was at Bob Evans llast night because I didn't feel like cooking dinner, and i went inside to pick up our food. When I was about to leave, this lady was behind me an...


Music for 5 Yr Old

P.D. asks from Fresno

I want to put together a CD for my daughter with upbeat happy (rock) music that I can enjoy also. So far I have Bob Marley- Three Little Birds and ub40- The Way You D...


Sit and Stand Strollers

S.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello moms, I have a 3-year old and another baby due next month. I am interested in buying a "sit and stand" type stroller. I currently use a BOB revolution for o...