In the Womb: Myself

Results 51-60 from 8,256 articles

Fiance Wants Sick Mother to Move in with Us

M.S. asks from Yakima

Hello, I’m a in bit of a dilemma and would like outside advice. In the next month or so, my fiancé and I will be moving to a new town. My fiancé is insisting...


I HATE Being Pregnant.

S.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I am 16 weeks pregnant with my third child. I feel so lucky to be able to bring a child into this world especially since child #2 took 5 years but here's the problem...


Pregnant Much?

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

Just wondering... Which ladies on this site are currently pregnant? How far along are you? How old are you? How many children do you have or will this be ...


Pregnant Friend

J.M. asks from Dover

I recently befriended someone who is 3 months pregnant. One day we got into a conversation about how adamently against smoking while you are pregnant I am. Today sh...


Pregnant and Massages?

M.B. asks from Salt Lake City

I was just wondering if it is okay to get a massage while being pregnant. I know they have massages for pregnant women, but I am only 12 weeks. Can a massage cause a ...


Sleeping While Pregnant

J.N. asks from Lexington

I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I have a 32 month old son. Do any of you know which side we are supposed to sleep on while pregnant? I toss and turn all night and I'm par...


When Can I Move After a C-section?

E.B. asks from Chicago

I'm due to have our second baby by c-section (the first was also cesarian) on April 28th. My husband has taken a new job in Cincinnati and although they'd want him t...


Pregnant with Twins!

P.A. asks from Sherman

Hi Moms, My name is P.. I am 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have no idea what to expect. I have a 4 and half year old daughter, so I know what to expect during pre...


When to Move Toddler to Upstairs Bedroom... Baby #2 Will Be Here in 7 Months!

K.C. asks from Evansville

Over the last two months, we have transitioned my 28month old's convertible crib to a toddler bed. so far, things are going pretty well. His room is right next to o...


Pregnant Again at 42

C.Z. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms! I would like to know if any other moms in my age group (I'm 42) are pregnant. This is my second, my first was at age 39. I know I am very healthy, but would ...