Clothing & Accessories: Elmo

Results 81-90 from 238 articles

Diaper Problem / Potty Training ??

C.B. asks from Longview

My daughter is turns 2 next month and she has figured out how to take off her diaper a year ago. I solved the problem by being able to keep pants on her at all times....


Daughter's Turning 2

M.H. asks from Savannah

My daughter is turing 2 and I need ideas on how to celebrate, it will just be her and the adults since there are really no kids in the picture, so I have no idea how ...


Easter Basket for a Toddler

K.K. asks from San Diego

hello. my son is 17 months and will be going on an easter egg "hunt" this year with his cousin. This year will be the first time i will be making his basket with good...


Clingy 2 Year Old

K.C. asks from Omaha

My 2 year old has recently become very clingy and wants to be held all the time in the evenings. He's fine during the day, but on both weekdays after work and weeken...


Stocking Stuffers for 9 Month Old

J.S. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have any good ideas for stocking stuffers for a 9 month old? I know he won't remember it and all, but I want to do something since I am for my older chil...


Sesame Place or King's Dominion

R.D. asks from Washington DC

We have 3 young kids (5, 4, and 2) and are supposed to be going to Sesame Place next weekend just to get away. My husband tossed out the idea to do King's Dominion in...


First Birthday Gifts

M.E. asks from Chicago

hi my 10 month old baby girl is going to be one soon and i am trying to think of some good 1 year old birthday presents any ideas?


Potty Training Strong-willed Child

A.B. asks from Chicago

OK sorry...yet another potty training question/request! I am lost when it comes to potty training my daughter. Here's her background in brief: She will be 3 in ...


Looking for "Hot Toy" Ideas for Christmas

H.B. asks from Milwaukee

Does anyone have any suggestions for toys for a 5 year old boy and almost 2 year old boy and girl. I am getting a head start on my kids Christmas list and I wanted t...


How Can I Potty Train My 25 Month Old Daughter?

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

She still wears diapers but now with a 3 week old I am buying double diapers and I would love for her to be potty trained. Can anyone tell me what they did, how they ...