Behavior: Older Child

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44 answers

9-Year-old Asking About Sex

My daughter has asked me what the word sex means and what sex is. She is 9. I explained to her that some questions are very difficult to answer and that I would like some time to think about it so I answer it the best way I can. She accepted that but I feel I need to give her an answer soon. Any suggestions? How much should a 9-year-old know? It's obvious someone, probably a kid at school, has used the word or talked about it. Otherwise she wouldn't be asking. I do realize she could have also gotten it from TV. We have already talked about...


Moody 8 Year Old

I have a second grader that has been real emotional and moody. He runs out...


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5 answers

Advice on Biting

I'm sure this question has been asked over and over, but does anyone have advice to get a 2 year old to stop biting? My son is a very good and usually very tender boy, but he's had 3 or 4 incidents of biting other kids. It's not out of anger, but more because he has so much excitable emotion that he doesn't know what else to do-- he give them a big hug- tackle and a bite. He's also very verbal and is perhaps frustrated that other kids his age are not as verbal? I don't believe in the advice to have the other child bite him back or have him...


Biting at Daycare

My 2 year old daughter starting biting at daycare. She has never had a...


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44 answers

9-Year-old Asking About Sex

My daughter has asked me what the word sex means and what sex is. She is 9. I explained to her that some questions are very difficult to answer and that I would like some time to think about it so I answer it the best way I can. She accepted that but I feel I need to give her an answer soon. Any suggestions? How much should a 9-year-old know? It's obvious someone, probably a kid at school, has used the word or talked about it. Otherwise she wouldn't be asking. I do realize she could have also gotten it from TV. We have already talked about...


Is Your Kid a Bully?

It seems like everyone thinks there kid(s) are not bullies. I know we'd...


Bullying and Suicide

Why do you think this is happening? It's terrifying, and just to say my...


Is It Bullying?

Hi everyone, My son is 10 and in 5th grade. There is a boy in his class...


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26 answers

Grounding for a 6 Year Old

Won't get in to all the details as it would take forever. So long story short, our 6 year old had definitely given us a run for our money. Very smart, but very stubborn. He absolutely obsesses over things and will attempt to badger us half to death to try and get his way. We have followed many "guidelines" for punishments, and for awhile now, a long while the consequences are immediate. He doesn't get multiple chances to stop a behavior etc We were advised by a counselor to do that. I feel like these consequences need to be turned up a...

Disrespect & Disobedience

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56 answers

Almost 6-Year-old Wants a Nintendo DS or a Wii

My almost 6-year-old has been pleading for a Nintendo DS or the Wii, like all his cousins and some of his friends have. My mother-in-law really wants to get him one for his upcoming birthday, but my husband and I are not sure we want him to have one. We're concerned that even if we restrict his usage of it, it will be addictive and he will be less interested in his usual activities --- reading, art, t-ball, scooter riding, music, imaginative play, etc. He's the usual energetic kind of boy but we love that he has a creative and...


See all 3,261 articles
5 answers

What Does Your 9 Year Old Daughter Like/Want, for Christmas?

Need some ideas. Not that I don't have any... but my kids' Grandma, wants me to 'shop' for her in getting them their Christmas gifts. I know what to get for my son. But for my 9 year old daughter.... well, who knows. She has so many interests. TIA!


6 Year Old Bedtime

What time does/should a 6 year old ( 7 yr. old) go to bed. My son goes to...


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12 answers

Daugher Hitting Others and Self

When my daughter gets frustrated, she hits me or my husband! When we tell her "no" or give her a time out, she hits herself! Is this a stage in the "terrible twos" or something more serious?


Toddler & Hitting

My 17 month old little boy has turned into a hitter. He typically has a toy...

Legal Trouble

See all 523 articles
40 answers

How Much Freedom Do I Give My 7 Year Old?

My daughter just turned 7 in June. We live in an apartment with no back yard. I just had a baby in January and me and my partner only have one car to share which usually leaves me and my children sitting in our tiny apartment with nothing to do. there are a few parks close to my house, just across one street that i have been contemplating letting my seven year old walk to by herself as it is difficult for me to take her there with my finicky baby in the stroller. My gut tells me not to as you can never trust your child to be safe without...


Self Esteem

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39 answers

Building Self-esteem for My 11 Year Old Daughter

My 11 yr old daughter has always had low self-esteem. Even when she was a toddler - she would say I can't do it. She would wait for her younger sister (1 yr younger) to do it first - then she would try. She is also very hard on herself about school and her looks. She is normal size, she does struggle w/school. Does anyone have advise or resources to help. I don't want my daughter to fo through life feeling bad about herself.

Social Skills

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44 answers

9-Year-old Asking About Sex

My daughter has asked me what the word sex means and what sex is. She is 9. I explained to her that some questions are very difficult to answer and that I would like some time to think about it so I answer it the best way I can. She accepted that but I feel I need to give her an answer soon. Any suggestions? How much should a 9-year-old know? It's obvious someone, probably a kid at school, has used the word or talked about it. Otherwise she wouldn't be asking. I do realize she could have also gotten it from TV. We have already talked about...


6 Year Old Allowance

My daughter is almost 6 years old. She has no concept of money. She thinks...



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10 answers

Is This a Tantrum?

Recently, my 16 month old son has started crying much more frequently than he used to. It used to be that if he wanted something and we took it away, he'd cry but then stop soon if we held him, distracted him, etc. Now, if he wants something and can't get it, he puts both of his little hands to his mouth and cries pitifully!! I always thought tantrums were angry crying, kicking, screaming, etc. but this is just plain sad crying!! It breaks my heart and I'm tearing up even remembering how he looked as I write this. I try to hold him and...

Testing Limits

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51 answers

10 Year Old Defiant Son

I am so desperate for any advice from other parents of 10 year old boys. My son is not at all respectful of my discipling him, he doesn't care what I threaten him with. He is afraid if I say I am going to go get dad though. I just don't know what to do to get him to understand that what I say goes. He also says he doesn't care if he fails his classes, although we have treatened punishment and offered incentives to doing well. He will do good one week and the next doesn't care. I guess I would just like to know that there are other moms out...


9 Year Old Chores

Hello, I would like some advice about expectations of cleanliness for a 9...


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56 answers

Almost 6-Year-old Wants a Nintendo DS or a Wii

My almost 6-year-old has been pleading for a Nintendo DS or the Wii, like all his cousins and some of his friends have. My mother-in-law really wants to get him one for his upcoming birthday, but my husband and I are not sure we want him to have one. We're concerned that even if we restrict his usage of it, it will be addictive and he will be less interested in his usual activities --- reading, art, t-ball, scooter riding, music, imaginative play, etc. He's the usual energetic kind of boy but we love that he has a creative and...



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6 answers

Whining 10 Year Old

I have a son who is 10 who still whines alot. He whines over everything from not getting his way to taking a shower. He will be in middle school next year so this has to stop. He is picked on by other kids at school for this and he still wont stop whining! Any suggestions? Thanks C. J.