Life & Relationships: NutriSystem

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Jenny Craig Vs. NutriSystem

Hello Everyone! So my daughter is almost 2 years old and I am ready to start getting serious about losing some of the weight I've gained since having her. A little late but I just haven't really cared until now I see myself in pics with her and look fat! And I am wanting to start trying for another baby in about a year so I want to get my body ready for that. I am horrible at diets like South Beach and the other low carb based diets. I am someone who needs to have the foods already prepared and ready to go. Which is why I am considering...

Working while Pregnant

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7 answers

Nutrisystem Meal Plan

I want to try the Nutrisystem Program. Some people love and some hate it. Can anyone out there tell me about their success, the taste of the food, etc.