For Both: Baby Einstein

Results 81-90 from 166 articles

How to Read to Your Kids

C.H. asks from Portland

This is going to sound like a silly concern, as most of my concerns do! I'm a writer by trade and I love reading. I come from a long line of librarians and I've bee...


Problems with Infant in a Car

D.T. asks from Dallas

My grand daughter is 5 months old. She has never been a good rider in the car. I thought she might be car sick, or I thought maybe her car seat was not comfortable,...


2 Year Old Not Talking

E.R. asks from Dallas

I have a 2 year old (25 months) son who is not talking. He has said mama, dada, bye, and alligator before but that's it. Never repeats anything. Just a lot of ahhh...


More Potty Training Advice

E.P. asks from Colorado Springs

I need some more potty training advice. My 21-month old son is finally showing signs that maybe he's ready to start potty training but I don't know what kind of pott...


Bored at Home with a 14 Month Old

M.C. asks from La Crosse

Hi, moms! I'm a SAHM with a 14 month old son. My husband and I share 1 car. He works a lot, so he normally has the car. His shifts are either beginning or ending ...


How to Stay Motivated to Teach

M.C. asks from Dallas

I am a stay at home mom, I have a 28 month old and a 13 month old. For my 28 month old I taught her sign language she knew all of her animals, shapes, I started teac...


Looking for a Fun and Engaging DVD for My Toddler

E.B. asks from Washington DC

Hello! My daughter doesn't watch TV or movies (except maybe Matt Lauer on the Today show, ha) however I'm looking to introduce her to some type of DVD as a Christmas...


Christmas Shopping Early - Buying Gently Used - Couple Different ?'S

S.R. asks from Tampa

I have so many questions! I am looking for ideas for my kids for Christmas. I really would like to buy their stuff gently used this year, they won't know the diff. ...


Speech Therapy Resource Referral

S.G. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 1/2 year old boy's pediatrician recommended that we do speech therapy for him. He has the words but cannot put a sentence together. I would appreciate if anyon...


Baby Einstien Cake

C.B. asks from Chicago

My son will be turning one in Jan. and he loves the turtle w/scuba gear on the baby einstien video and I would love to have a cake made like this character. Someone ...