Crying - Rochester,MN

Updated on November 25, 2015
C.R. asks from Rochester, MN
12 answers

My son has days where he just won't stop crying and I can't take it anymore. He doesn't want anything, toys, bottle, nothing. I try everything, Please help me!!

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Thanks girls, umm, women, I appreciate it so much. I have tried lots of these and most work, thanks again! ---|---{@

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answers from Appleton on

2 WORDS-CAR RIDE, that always worked on my son.put him right to sleep whenever i got a little desperate

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answers from Minneapolis on

Try changing his formula. My daughter was so gassy and constipated on breastmilk that she cried for the first 4 months straight. Then I switched her to soy and she was perfect.
Always remember that it will pass. Your baby needs you and you will get through it.
Best Wishes,



answers from Boston on

maybe it's gas or colic. try some organic tea. i am currently using babies magic tea for my fussy baby and it works good.



answers from Sheboygan on

The responses that others have written seem really good. If their suggestions don't work, here are a couple of others. Does your baby seem to have a lot of gas? Mylecon infant drops were a godsend for me with my little guy. They are safe to use after every feeding and they can work wonders in helping to break up the gas bubbles in baby's stomach. If it is not gas but you aren't sure, you can try these (or any over the counter infant gas drops)it will not harm your baby to try. The same goes for Orajel. In case he is teething you can try putting a little orajel on his gums. If it seems to sooth or help him settle, that may be the problem and soon you'll see some teeth popping up. Do you notice him doing extra sucking/drooling/or chewing on things moreso than usual? That is also a good sign of teething. Teething can also cause loss of appetite and even fevers. I have not tried it personally, but I like the suggestion for the chairopractor too. I have heard that they can completely stop colic in babies. This is another option where if you tried it and it was not the cause of problems, it probably wouldn't do much harm to try...if it works great and if not then try something else.
Good luck!!



answers from Milwaukee on

Just take every day at a time, I have been there. I think it could be teething. My son would do that too and he was such a good baby from the start. At about 4- 41/2 months he would just whine and cry all day and wouldn't eat, play etc. Then a tooth pop up a week or two later. Every tooth gets just a little better. He just got three top teeth at the same time and hardly whined but he still didn't want to eat much.
I still would definitely talk to your doctor to rule any medical issues out, ear infection, GI problems, Etc...
Hope this helps,



answers from Minneapolis on

Based on your earlier posts, it doesn't sound like you have any support in your home. It also sounds like you are overwhelmed and stressed and babies can pick up on your feelings. Do you have any family or friends who can help you out? You need to reach out to people and ask for help. It doesn't make you a bad mom, everyone needs help sometimes. If my mother or my mother-in-law hadn't been around to take my kids once in awhile, I wouldn't have made it. If you don't have family or friends around, try joining a church or look around for any local mother's groups.

The first year of your baby's life is HARD. Anyone who says it isn't, is lying. But as the mother of a 2 year old and a 4 year old, I can assure you that it will get easier and before you know it, your son will be able to tell you what he needs and won't need to cry about it anymore.

And just one more thing from a 37 year old woman who went through a few bad relationships before I met my husband, you can't change someone. A person will only change when they want to. Nick isn't going to change until he decides he wants to... and he may never decide to. You deserve someone who is there for you and your son.



answers from Minneapolis on

Bring him to a chiropractor, they can clear colic up in one adjustment...and your results would be no more crying baby.

Even if you child has gas, instead of using medicines a chiropractor can help with that naturally.



answers from St. Cloud on


I completely agree with Nicole. I know a woman who was in your position... her baby didn't cry or sleep for more than 15 minutes at at time for three months. At the end of her rope, she took a friend's advice and finally took her baby to a chiropractor. With one small adjustment, the baby stopped crying instantly and went to sleep for something like almost a day.

Being born may put things out of alignment... but the baby's nerves are all still developing, too which makes them more sensitive as well.

Good luck and hang in there... it can be hard, I know. Do you have any friends or family who would be able to take him for a while (even a couple of hours)? You need some time for yourself, too!



answers from Minneapolis on

First step, take a deep breath. If you get frustrated set him down somewhere safe (like his crib) and step outside for some air (and to not hear him crying). He will be okay if you do this. I know it is hard but you have to do it to keep your sanity.

My second kid was just like this. Actually started in on it the 2nd day of life. He carried on like this for months. If I didn't walk away for 5-10 minutes at time I would have lost my mind. My son had problems with gas (he sounded like a teenage boy he had such bad gas).

Try mylican (their are cheaper versions too that work just as well). Try walking with him in a carrier. If you bottle feed, try different formula or bottles. If you breast feed try formula. Everyone says that breast milk is best but my son got much better once I put him on forumla. Take him to the doctor, he might have reflux which is painful.

I heard about the chiropractor option after my son was less cranky. I would have tried that too.

Like someone else said, if you don't have a lot of support at home find a mom's group. See if someone in your neighborhood wants to walk or something. (I'm in Cottage Grove and would be happy to walk with you). Sometimes just getting out of the house will make you feel better. Walking is good because you aren't sitting in one spot so your little guy might calm down to look at your environment and if not at least there are no walls to make the cries seem louder.

Also, look at how you are dealing with it. The other poster was right, babies pick up on how you are feeling very quickly. They are like little mind readers. If you are feeling anxiety or depressed talk with your doctor.

If you need to talk I would be happy to do that too. Just contact me.



answers from Janesville-Beloit on

Sound worked with my baby. She listens to ocean waves at night. Janet Jackson's latest CD will stop her in a crying jag at any time, though. Also, this probably sounds bad, but Ana's Baby Einsteins works well to stop a crying jag, too, but maybe you don't want yours to watch tv, so I don't know if an option for you. Also, I have a stability ball that I would hold her and bounce with her on for hours and hours at a time. This settles her to this day. Good luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

maybe a long walk outside in a sling? Outside always worked with my baby at that age. its definitely tough. good luck!



answers from Duluth on

This sounds very frustrating, I'm sorry you're experiencing this. Have you spoken to your pediatrician or health-care provider about this? More information would be useful, I'm not sure how much accurate advice we can give on this forum aside from support :-) If it truly is "day-long" and frequent, have you considered colic? How about allergies, such as a milk allergy (so you could switch to soy formula) or to the iron in the formula (so you could switch to formula without iron)? Could it be pain related - teething, or bad diaper rash that needs ointment to soothe it? Could it be boredom (I doubt it, as you mentioned toys.)? Again, I would suggest talking about this to your health-care professional, or even the nurse line for your insurance - I'm sure someone would need more info to give you a good answer. Hang in there, you're a good mom and you can get through this - good luck!

(Okay, and now after reading the other response from Patina... I agree 100% with her. It is stressful, and if your baby picks up on that from you, that alone could be causing the crying and irritability. There are a ton of great groups out there to offer support, from church groups, MOMS clubs, support groups connected to healthcare agencies, etc. If it's possible to take some time for you - even just a cup of coffee at McDonalds for a change of scenery, a trip to sit in the park, or trading an hour of babysitting time with a friend to "get away" - it's so worth it. You are obviously internet-savy, you could do a search for MOMS clubs in your area, or the MeetUp group in the Cities... Again, I hope you can get in touch with your needs and figure out some resources to fill those needs. I'll keep you in my prayers.)

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