Working while Pregnant: LL Bean

Results 1-10 from 11 articles

Need Lots of Advice! New Pregnancy

C.B. asks from Cleveland

We just found out we are pregnant with #3!! A few things I'd like to ask for some advice on are, 1)What types of slings did any of you use that you loved? My 2nd baby...


Anyone Wear Men's Jeans?

K.A. asks from San Diego

I am so sick of trying to find jeans that fit me! I'm tired of them all being those thin "fashion jeans" with spandex that offer virtually no warmth when it starts ge...


Kids , Winter Coats N Cars

M.M. asks from Chicago

I was not aware it's dangerous to put kids in the carseat with their winter coats on. Makes sense since they are so puffy n huge. But then , my question to all the...


Can Anybody Tell Me What It's like to Put Two Car Seats in a Subaru Impreza?

J.B. asks from Dallas

We have a second child coming soon and have been looking at replacing my car. We may have to just keep my 14-year-old Protégé for a while, but it's going to be cra...


Diaper Bag Suggestion for Twins

D.R. asks from New York

Hi Mommies! I have almost 8 month old b/g twins and I need a suggestion for a good diaper bag. I currently have one from Target that resembles a doctors


Diaper Bag

S.S. asks from Washington DC

Hello, Im looking for the best diaper bag. We have money but ive always been the type to not like brand names just to carry something with a designer name. Im very pr...


3 Questions on 9 Month Old

H.G. asks from Minneapolis

alrighty moms. I have three questions about my 9 month old daughter. 1. My daughter has always been a horrible sleeper. Usually she is up 3-5 times a night. She ha...


Need Advise Regarding Flying with My 11 Month Old Daughter??

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Mommies - I am hoping some of you can help you out. We are taking my daughter to visit my grandparents at the end of this month and I am a bit nervous about the...


Fix a Stupid Fight??

M.B. asks from Lewiston

Ok this is really stupid but ever since Crocs have become popular my husband and I have both hated them. I still think they are really ugly but so many people I know ...


Mom Seeking 30Th Birthday Gift for New Mom

A.L. asks from Washington DC

I have a fried who is turning 30 this week. She also just had her first baby a month ago. She has everything she needs and wants...goes right out and gets it if she...