Nutrition: Steroids

Results 11-20 from 163 articles

Looking for Alternative Medicine for Ezcema

M.M. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know of a topical over the counter lotion that is good for excema? I would really like something without steroids that is natural for my 2 year old.


Antibiotic Question for My Fellow Crunchy Mamas

C.C. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas, Husband has a tooth abcess (ouch: literally, and we have dental insurance but holy expensive - we are having the tooth pulled and an implant placed for $41...


Eczema Bumps on Back of Head?

A.T. asks from Atlanta

My little one has been battling eczema since he was just a few weeks old, triggered by bathing him with J & J baby wash. Both his pediatrician and dermatologist sugg...


Doctor for Crohn's Disease

J.W. asks from Detroit

Hello! My husband has Crohn's Disease - he has since high school - and we are in need of a good doctor that specializes in this. I have been less than thrilled with...


4 Year Old with Allergies

V.G. asks from Grand Rapids

My daughter had a severe rash with swelling on her face this weekend so I took her to a local Urgent Medical Care Center. By the time the nurse got us into a room to...


How to Break up Phlegm in 4 Year-old

H.L. asks from Washington DC

Ok, so last time I posted I asked for help with my mosquito magnet 4 yo. Someone suggested menthol ointment on certain parts of body. I continue to spray my son with ...


How Many Dr Opinions

L.A. asks from St. Cloud

So I am getting allergy injections for cat, dust mites and many weeds and plants. I saw a asthma specialist today because I get a lot of wheezing and congestion. He d...


Help Todddler Has Rash That Won’t Go Away

K.B. asks from New Orleans

My 16 mo daughter had a few flesh and pink colored tiny bumps show up in her arm, leg, and trunk. They spread and seemed to get Imflamed and itchy. Been to doctor 3 t...


Recommendations for Allergist

J.F. asks from Columbus

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good allergist around Dublin? When my son was a week old, we discovered he had a dairy and soy intollerances. I am breastfeedi...


Healthier Choices for Toddler

P.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Moms, I have a very good eater. Not very picky, but I'd like to improve his healthy food choices. He loves veggies, but the protein/meat side of things is tough. I...