Learning: Aquaphor

Results 11-20 from 224 articles

New Crawler with Rug Burns

A.F. asks from Louisville

My 9 month old just started crawling this month. Since it is warm out we have been putting him into shorts. The trouble is his legs are getting rug burn and are rea...


Baby Hair Gel?

K.G. asks from Boca Raton

I LOVE to spike my 9 month old sons hair and this might "sound silly" but I've been using Aquaphor Baby lotion. It does the trick and I know it's gentle enough for a ...


18 Month Old W/ Sensitive Skin? Allergies?

J.C. asks from Minneapolis

My little guy was diagnosed with super sensitive skin (called uticaria) by an allergist. For months he has had a rash on his chin. It used to start looking red aft...


Thumb Sucking Concerns

H.G. asks from New York

My 14 month old son is a thumb sucker, mostly when he's very tired. He's a wonderful self-soother, and I don't mind him sucking his thumb at all! However, his thumb...


Insect Repellant for Sensitive Skin?

C.L. asks from Raleigh

DD is 6.5 months and just started daycare. She needs bug repellant, as she is getting about one bite per day. I really want something that will definitely work. I've...


Diaper Rash Seems to Hurt More with Diaper Creams

C.E. asks from Provo

My 1 yr old daughter gets occasional diaper rash but when I put Desitin (it worked best for my other kids) on her she reacts like it hurts even more than just wiping ...


Full Torso Rash from Dry Skin Overnight?

S.C. asks from Milwaukee

My kiddo has had a temp for a few days now (since Tues). It ranges from low 99's with meds to 102 when meds wear off. On Tues night she took a shower. I usually sl...


Severe Diaper Rash/Yeast Infection in Toddler That Won't Go Away!

C.M. asks from Owensboro

Hi everyone, This request is my desperate attempt to find some help! My 19-month-old daughter has had a constant diaper rash of varying degrees since we switched...


Seeking Naturopath for 4-Year Old in Long Beach/South Bay/ OC Area

F.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi. Does anyone have a good referral for a naturopath or holistic practitioner for a 4-yr old with severe eczema? My daughter's eczema is getting progressively worse....


Just for Fun -- Most Used Baby Item

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

I am putting together a basket for my sister in law who is having her second (after a 6 year gap) (due in July) of "my favorite things" after having my 8 month old. A...