Infant: Infant, A&D

Results 1-10 from 765 articles

Diaper Rash A&D?

L.A. asks from Los Angeles

Anything work better than A&D for a diaper rash? I can't seem to get rid of it.


Walmart Brand Pediasure and A&D Ointment?! Has Anyone Used Them!?

B.L. asks from San Diego

My sons pedi recommended we give him Pediasure while moving (20 hour road trip from San Diego to Washington) because he won't drink cold milk. My only concern is how ...


Getting A&D Ointment off Clothes, Hair, and the Smell Out of the House

J.P. asks from Chicago

My adorable 2 1/2 year old niece just emptied an entire tube of A&D ointment on herself. While mom and dad were talking in the other room, she squeezed it out and ru...


A&D Ointment in Hair

J.C. asks from Lincoln

My 2 year old son got into the A&D ointment and decided it would make good hair gel. Any suggestions for getting it out? We scrubbed his head with baby shampoo 3 time...


Is It Ok to Use Diaper Rash Ointment like A&D on Flea Bites on the Face?

A.B. asks from Janesville-Beloit

Im a first time mom and i have 3 dogs and this is the first time I have came across a flea problem with any of my dogs. My 4 month old has tons of bites all over her ...


Infant First Aid Needs

M.R. asks from Chicago

I'm about to be a first time mom and am curious to know what pharmaceutical-type items I should include in an infant 'first aid kit' (not things like nasal aspirator,...


Baby Gift

J. asks from Chicago

One of my best friends is having her first baby. What are some of the things you love for your baby, things cannot imagine living without. (My baby is 16, so many t...


Breastfed Infant Is Suffering from Constipation

D.G. asks from San Diego

I was wondering how any of you have dealt with an infant suffering from constipation. I have a two month old who was going No. 2 normally up until a few days ago. T...


Infant with Keratosis Pilaris on Face

A.H. asks from Rochester

I'm looking for any suggestions or success stories with keratosis pilaris on infant cheeks. Around 6 months old, my son started to get what looked like pimples on his...


Baby Ecezma

M.H. asks from Pocatello

I have a four month old that has baby ecezma on the face, I've tried the baby ecezma cream, it helped a little bit, then it got worse, I have switch her formula which...