Household: Toddler, Huggies

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24 answers

Huggies or Pampers

Does any one have a preference? My baby has extremely sensitive skin, and gets yeast infections supper easily when she is in a disposable diaper. I try to use cloth as much as possible, but sometimes I get tired of the extra work. (I know they aren't THAT much work but sometimes I just don't want to deal with them) my daughters skin does really well in the cloth diapers. When I do use disposables I use Kirkland, pretty sure they are huggies, cant tell the difference. Has anyone had better success with another brand?


New Pull on Huggies?

I saw a commerical last night for pull on huggies... Has anyone seen these...


Luvs V. Huggies?

Hi All We're trying to find ways to save money where we can (aren't we...

Social Life

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Seeking Emergency Help

Hi i currently live in detroit and im having a baby boy in a couple weeks and is still in need of things such as baby blanets a baby bath tub, clothes and a bottle warmer. Its really hard for me to purchase these things because of my finacial situation. If there is any one who know of a place or some one giving these things away please feel free to share information