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Results 11-20 from 66 articles

1 Year Old Boy

R.C. asks from Washington DC

Hi all, Kinda new on here! Can I please have some suggestions for a 1 year old birthday present (boy). willing to spend $50-100. No clothes, please. Thanks!


Toys for 3 Yr Old Boy

S.C. asks from Raleigh

Any recommendations for age appropriate toys I can buy my son. I'm hoping he's old enough for some board games or legos. Not only is Christmas right around the corne...


Toy Ideas for a Two Year Old

R.C. asks from Cincinnati

My son will be having his second birthday very soon and I am looking for some gift ideas for him. I'd like to replace some of his old toys with some great toddler to...


Gift Ideas for a Almost 3Year Old.......... Have No Clue What to Get My Daughter

E.T. asks from Dallas

Hi there, I am trying to figure out what to get my daughter for christmas. I wanted to start thinking ahead of time. She already has a kitchen house playset thin...


Holiday Gift Suggestions for 6 Month Old

K.D. asks from New York

Hi Mamas! I know it is early, but my family is already asking what they should buy our daughter for Christmas, and I don't want to end up with tons of stuffed animal...


Good Gifts for a 3 Year Old Boy?

C.G. asks from Los Angeles

i'm looking for some good, educational gift ideas for my son this year. he's 3 years old and loves cars, trucks, dinosaurs, sports and the like, but i'm hoping to exp...


Looking for a Toddler "Laptop" That Will Entertain My Son

S.E. asks from Great Falls

My son is turning 2 in a few weeks and his granmother has asked what he wants for his birthday. Which of course means, what do we want him to have since he really do...


What to Get a 1 Year Old for Christmas and Birthday?

A.V. asks from Washington DC

My son is just about to turn one and my family would like to get him some gifts. I am seeking advice on "must-have's" for the upcoming year...what types of toys and b...


Toys for 1 Yr Old Boy

J.L. asks from Pittsburgh

Believe it or not, I am already making a list for my kids for Christmas. My mom always seems to start early and she always asks me what to get the kids so I want to b...


Need Idea for Gift for 4 YO Son for B-day

K.W. asks from Dallas

Does anyone have any ideas on gifts for a 4 YO for a birthday present. Our son turns 4 this week and we are having his party this Saturday. All he has asked for is ...