Child: Bath Toys

Results 91-100 from 420 articles

Easter: What to Give My Almost 2 Yr Old Nephew in His Easter Basket?

M.O. asks from Chicago

I am looking for your ideas and suggestions for Easter Basket goodies for my nephew. I have two girls (5 1/2 and 4) who were very into art supplies. I have learned ...


Gift Ideas for a One Year Old Boy with a Price Range of $20 Max

B.D. asks from Grand Rapids

My son is turning one at the end of the month. We are not having a party for him because no one was going to attend (we tried to have a party, but got too many 'no' ...


First Birthday Ideas

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

This may be a silly request, but I'm really struggling to think of what to get my child for his first birthday. I like the idea of toys without batteries, and I've th...


How Do I Childproof This?

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 10 month old son has learned how to turn on the water in the bathtub. We have a large knob that you pull out and turn either to the left for the hot water or the r...


Dad Doesn't Want Bath Time to Fall into "His Time" with the Boys

K.B. asks from Columbus

My husband is a wonderfully involved Father who loves to play with his boys. It's been our routine since day one that when he gets home from work he jumps right in t...


Sudden Fear of Once Loved Things (Revised)

A.H. asks from Grand Junction

My son will be 2 next month and up until recently he has loved bath time! For the past few weeks it's been a nightmare, he screams histerically until I take him out.....


Four Year Old Girl Gift Ideas

L. asks from Chicago

I need some gift ideas for my four year old daughter. She already has so many Barbies, baby dolls, and dress up clothes that I am having trouble coming up with new g...


First Birthday Gift Ideas

D.G. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Mommies! I was hoping you could help me out with a gift idea for my soon to be 1 year old. She is my 3rd child and I feel like we have everything under the sun. Fo...


Must Haves!!

K.C. asks from St. Louis

Hello Ladies and Gents!! My son recently had his first birthday party and we have a pretty big family so all in all 40 people ended up coming, all bring gifts!! Some ...


My 2 1/2 Year-old Hates Taking a Bath Now!

C.M. asks from Detroit

My daughter used to love to take baths. She would eagerly await bath time and put each toy in the tub individually and once she was in the tub it took forever to get ...