Beauty: Playtex

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34 answers

Introducing a Bottle

I soon have to go back to work so I have started giving my 6 week old daughter one bottle a day in the evening so dad can do it. She sucks it down so fast then screams, then pukes what seems like the entire bottle up. We try to take breaks but she starts crying. (It literaly takes her less than 10 minutes to guzzle 3 oz) If we burp her, more puke (milk) comes with it. She does spit up a lot so we keep her upright 20-30 minutes after eating, but the amount that she spits up after a bottle seems like the entire bottle and I'm worried she...

Personal Style

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11 answers

Embarrased to Ask, but I Could Use Some Advise About Clothing.

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has a good recommendation for a comfortable bra. I have seriously tried to find a brand that I really like. I usually buy Victoria Secrets bras. I purchased the "Ipex" and it has to be the most uncomfortable bra I have worn in my life..other than a strapless. The body by Victoria is good, but not perfect. Right now, I'm hard to fit. I'm loosing weight and the first place I loose it, unfortunately, is my chest area. I'm now right between a C-cup..almost a Full-B cup. I wish there was a B 1/2 cup? I...


Bras Bras Bras...

OK, so I have always been on my quest for the best bra. Haha, it's a joke...