Soothing & Comforting: Graco

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12 answers

Graco Comfortsport Convertbile Carseat

Hi, My 17 month is finally at 20 pounds. She's 30 inches long. We need to get her a new carseat. We have a Graco Infant Seat and it worked fine for us. I'm looking currently at getting another Graco Carseat. I want her to stay rear-facing so the ComfortSport is the only option. After looking at all the different features. I think we'd like the DRIFTWOOD model. Anybody had this particular one or any of the Graco convertible carseats? I'm looking for both positive and negative reviews. Thanks

Baby Swings

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Bassinet or Swing

Hi Moms, I have a dilemma. We just found out the bassinet we were...


Sleeping in Swing

My son is almost 6 weeks old and the only way that he will sleep for longer...

Bouncy Seats

See all 132 articles
40 answers

Daughter Tipping over in Bouncy Seat

Hi Moms, My almost 5 month old daughter is uable to sit up unassisted, yet she pulls herself up to sitting while in her bouncy seat and then tips over the side. I've had to retire the bouncy seat (Fisher Price Aquarium) because this is obviously dangerous. So the question is, where do I put her when I need to put her down? We have bebe pod (like a bumbo seat) but she gets tired/bored/uncomfortable in that very quickly. Any other ideas? We have a Jumperoo and Exersaucer in storage that I won't be able to get to for another couple of...

Nap & Bedtime

See all 45 articles
16 answers

What Am I Doing Wrong Re: Sleep?!

I nursed my first baby into a deep sleep every time he woke up, and I ended up cosleeping for 2.5 years. I really have been trying a whole new approach with my second, now four months. I have a new house and accidentally bought the wrong kind of beds, so I can't safely cosleep anyway. I put him down drowsy, swaddled with a Woombie (it zips so it can't come undone) with a pacifier, and I have been trying to stick to a reasonable bedtime (whereas with my first I kept him up too late.) This baby goes to sleep easily, but for six weeks or...


32 answers

Exersaucer Vs. Jumperoo

Hi, my daughter is 4 months old and her doctor said she's ready for the exersaucer. The only problem is I am torn between the jumperoo and an exersaucer. My daughter seems to get bored easily and I'm afraid jumping won't be enough to entertain her. However,I love the idea of her getting some exercise. We could get both, but they take up so much floor space. Any recommendations? Thanks so much!


Please Help Me

I'm at my breaking point. I don't know what to do with my youngest son...

Pacifiers & Thumbsucking

See all 1,545 articles
7 answers

Graco Snugride vs Graco Snugride 32

My baby is 10 mons and is outgrowing his Graco Snugride because of his height. I am referring to the "regular" Snugride that has limits of 29 in and 22 lb. I'm considering getting a used Snugride 32 just so I can have the convenience of the bucket for a few more months. Does anyone know if the "regular" Snugride travel system will accommodate the Snugride 32? (I know, I know. I should have tried it out at the store.) okay, yes, I do plan to buy a convertible after he turns a year. I just want to keep him in the bucket for two more months...