Soothing & Comforting: Ergo

Results 31-40 from 630 articles

Does Johnson & Johnson's Bedtime Products Really Work?

L.S. asks from Sacramento

I know most of the stuff out there are just marketing ploys to get consumers to buy their products but I've seen J&J has a line called Bedtime, supposedly to calm bab...


Advice for a Solo Mom on Juggling Toddler and Newborn at Bedtime

N.S. asks from San Francisco

My husband is a firefighter, works 24 hour shifts, and is going back to work soon. We had our second child, a girl, on July 4th, and our first is a 16 months old boy...


My 2 Month Old Won't Sleep!

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

My son just turned 2 months old. He has never gone to sleep easily, but the last 2-3 weeks have been nearly impossible. The only way I can soothe him to sleep is by d...


Sleep Help

J.B. asks from Seattle

My almost 7 month old daughter has always had trouble sleeping. Getting her to sleep for naps or at night has always been a challenge. She is a light sleeper and ra...


Toddler Obsessed with Me

B.B. asks from New York

My 19 month old daughter has always been but recently its gotten really bad. If I am in the room with her, she wants to either be held or nursed. This continues in ...


My Baby Wants to Constantly Be Held

T.S. asks from Chicago

My baby is 5 wks old and wants to be constantly held. I understand he hasn't learned to self soothe and maybe a little young for self-soothing. I love holding him bu...


Another "Traveling with Baby" Help Request., for High-Maintenance Baby.. :)

P.D. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mommies, I know this has probably been posted many times. I will be traveling with my soon-to-be six-month-old. It will be a four hour flight, through Sou...


Breaking Habits with Infants

K.L. asks from Boston

I have nursed my 8 1/2 month old to sleep in the evening since he was born. I have tried using different methods such as Pantley's Gentle Removal Plan. However, my ...


Need Help with My Husband Taking Care of Our 14 Week Old.

G.E. asks from New York

My husband is awesome about taking care of our daughter who is 14 weeks old. The problem is that she gives him a really hard time. He is alone with her at least two...


5 Month Old Fighting Sleep

A.S. asks from New York

I have a 5 month old little girl, my first. She is such a joy and is so happy until... she gets tired! I call her the Ultimate Sleep Fighting Champion. For awhile w...